Yesterday morning, Blake was awake just before 6am.. everyone else was up and ready to get going by 7:45 - so we headed to the park next to our usual cafe to let the kids run around before the cafe opened for breakfast (the kids and I had already eaten before we went - 6am to 9am - there was no way you could convince the kids to wait 3hrs before they could eat.....)
Bill arrived shortly after we got there.. so we had a good hour of play to work up the boys appetite.....

Blake saw the climbing rope thingy - and wanted to go explore....

"Maybe if I start at the bottom I can climb up?"

Rob put Blake on this spinny equipment, and before he'd completed the first loop Blake had already decided he didn't want to be on it and had got himself out...

Greg gave it a go.... a bit big yes?

Never ask these guys to take a nice photo..... NEVER....

Oh, hold on - here we go.... doesn't Rob look short? hehe

Ok, now we're just being posers....

Jade wanted to show us how to do the rope climber....

then she wanted Greg to prove he could do it....

Blake and his Grandad....

Blake is absolutely besotted with his Grandad
When it was time to head to the cafe for breakfast I was carrying Blake, I asked him if he wanted to walk... he nodded (we're still not big on talking) - so I put him down - and I asked if he wanted to walk with Greg - and he shook his head and then pointed to Grandad and walked over to him and put his hand up for him to hold..... it was so cute and got all the right "Awwwww's" from everyone....

We got to the cafe - and Jade went "ooh - I want M&M's" - this is the only place she gets the mini-m&m's - and she remembered them from last year......

Rob & his Dad :)
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