Friday (11th December) - we headed down to 1770... I was really excited as this was my second night EVER away from Blake...
That probably sounds horrible, but after 13months, and with Rob having been away as much as he has been this year with 2-3week trips at a time... I really just needed an evening of not having to worry about anything.... (Jade's at a good age now.. she happily entertains herself for the most part....)
I had planned on going out for drinks with Nat and her crowd... but before we even arrived at 1770 (at all of 5pm) - I was already dozing in the car - so I piked and went to sleep... Unfortunately the bed where we were staying was probably the worst bed I have EVER slept on... (actually no, there was a hotel that we stayed at when visiting Angela one time that was a helluva lot worse.... but this one was definitely up there)
Saturday morning we got up, packed our stuff in the car and got ready to head on the Larc.... Jade was so excited to be going on a "truck boat" - and she was even more excited when we got there and it was PINK!!!
They arranged to hire the Larc - it was just our Christmas Party.... so no strangers on board.... a few strange people - but no strangers!

The Larc!

Rob & Jade getting ready to leave...

Everyone else getting on...

I don't think anyone was really ready for this photo... but it was all we got of the entire crowd... except for Janelle who was using my camera to get the photo...

This is Janelle... :)

The top of that hill is where we're heading - to the Lighthouse....
Bustard Head

Jade spent the entire trip on my lap... then Rob pulled out the iPhone - and she was HIS Blobby!

Russell & Nat

Rocks at the end of the beach (at the bottom of the hill where the lighthouse is)

This is on of the other Larc's - entering the water...

Powering through the water....

We stopped for morning tea....

Nat & her Mother...


Nat & Russell

Theresa & Liz

Jade saw this and went "look, there's a hedgehog!"
She's definitely got an imagination on her!
Creative little monster....

This is where to Parc the Larc.... (as if there were a lot of choices! - - - although, having said that - it's not where he Parc'ed the Larc!)

Jade on Rob's shoulders looking at the Lighthouse...

Janelle getting a pic of Maddie with her hand on top of the lighthouse....


View on the way back down of Pancake Creek...

More views....

Someone's getting tired.....
(she's still adorable though!)

Glen, Maddie & Janelle heading up to Dune Surf...
(they were the only three of our group to do it... Jade's still a little young - and it's not like you can change your mind halfway down)

Getting Jade into the water was interesting.... she didn't want to go in because there were fish in the water (only tiny little fish - but fish none-the-less....)
I ended up taking her into slightly deeper water and telling her that the fish couldn't swim there because it was too deep... so she let me put her in... then we were ok... until it was time to come out... and we had the same problem again....

On the way back to 1770 - Jade went to sleep.... totally covered in her towel... she was EXHAUSTED.... we had hoped that this would mean she'd sleep the entire drive back to Gladstone, but no.... she stayed awake and talked the entire trip home....
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