Monday morning - it was time to pack up and say good bye to the Sunshine Coast... and smack....

was a tight squeeze getting smack int he prado with the overloaded Prado.. smack had the projector and his laptop on his lap....

Nappy Bag and my laptop had to be shoved at my feet so that we could fit everything in...
We'd been on the road a few hours.... both kids had a decent sleep.. and they were both awake.... so I was handing out squares of white chocolate to keep them occupied until we got to Gin Gin where we stopped for a quick "lunch" and then kept heading home.....

Unfortunately, a 4yr old doesn't understand that you don't hand a baby a second piece of chocolate until they've finished the first one.... cause if they have a new one in their hands - they spit out the old one and spread it everywhere.....

When we dropped by Connie's place on the way to the Airport to drop Smack off - Connie brought Jade out a bunch of flowers (Bridesmaid flowers) for Jade... because she said Jade was a "Princess".....
We got home at about 4pm... so we dropped the kids with Mom and Dad so that they could have a swim and I could unpack the car while Rob dealt with some work that had arisen in his absence.
It was a great holiday... but I'm glad to say that we will hopefully not have to go anywhere for the next few months.....
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