Blake is all about putting things on properly now, he puts hats on his head... he puts Jade's goggles on (ok, so he only puts them on his head and not over his eyes - but the gets the general idea....)
Last night he picked up the headphones and put them on..... he thought he was very clever....

While all this was happening, Jade was happily playing a dog game on the iPod....
As for our week.... We got home Saturday evening, picked up Blake and headed home... got the kids off to bed and had an early night ourselves....
On Sunday, Rob, Dad and Frank went to check out a property that Rob and I were interested in to buy... 500 acres... and all perfect for riding motorbikes... unfortunately... not enough flat land to build a weekend getaway.... so it was back to the drawing board there (it was going to cost too much to build roads to where we could have probably built... and with the fact that the land was obviously more expensive (with the 500 acres - you'd expect they don't give that kind of property away) we decided to just keep looking.....
Monday was a normal day, except for a lack of swimming lessons.... Oh, and Ted (Mom and Dad's neighbour) came over to paint the floor of the shed for us...... he did such a fantastic job... and so quick... AND a Tradie that turns up when they say they will..... TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED!!!!)
Tuesday morning I headed to work, nothing unusual about the day - unfortunately - I ended up being sick 3 times at work and ended up cutting my day short.. must have had some weird tummy bug - was extremely sick and only got out of bed for the bolt to the loo every 15mins or so....
The following day the vomiting had stopped - but I still had an upset stomach... so wasn't willing to venture into work...
Wednesday afternoon, Rob went to pick up Jade from daycare... and phoned and said that we had to get Jade's sores checked out on her legs... they just looked like mosquito bites that Jade had scratched too much (and she definitely does do that!) - - - but - we decided to take her to the doctors to make sure.....
Turns out, she had school sores... so, Jade had to be kept home from school... (Luckily Mom agreed to look after her so that I didn't have to miss anymore work - and they'd been looking forward to Thursday as it was their first Blake Free Thursday in nearly 6 months)...
Thursday morning, I was leaving to take Blake to daycare (for his first ever time) - and Jade was so clingy - I had to take her at the same time (she was supposed to have been dropped at Mom and Dad's at about 8am or a little after by Rob... ) - - - so I had to take Jade there first, then drop Blake at daycare, I was really dreading how that was going to go (given the experiences I have with Jade over the years...) but, he wasn't a problem, he went to Miss Jill - had a little bit of a whinge straight up - but had settled down before it was time for me to leave....
I ended up working a few hours extra on Thursday to get some jobs finished before the Christmas Break.... and same on Friday.....
I love this new place... you actually feel appreciated.... (that's a first!!!) (you even get a thank you if you've only stayed back 30mins to finish a job off... not a huge effort - but so appreciated!)
Yesterday morning I sent Rob out to Bunnings to get shelving for the Shed, so that we could start organising it now that the floor has been painted.......
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