We finally caught up with Bec & AJ again... I haven't managed to catch up with Bec since about Jade's birthday.... so it's been a while.... we took Emily's Christmas present over... and Jade went "ooh, maybe they will give ME a present!!!" (she's cottoned on!)
Blake also had birthday presents there to unwrap too - so it was a Thomas afternoon for him! :)

Jade opening Blake's presents for him....

After we'd finished at Bec & AJ's place we headed around to Damian and Jaime's to deliver Xander's Christmas present... but also to have dinner with Jaime & Damian before they headed to Rocky as tomorrow is the day for the c-section.... (So, part of the plan was also to bring Xander home with us to stay for the next couple of nights while Jaime and Damian are busy with birthing plans...)

You wouldn't pick Jaime as being 38wks pregnant!

The happy parents....

Jade & Xander sitting patiently to open presents....

Jade & Blake.... Managed to get a pic of the two of them together... Amazing!

The three Musketeers..... (Blake has started following them around)

Opening Blake's present again... she's such a good big sister...

Xander and his Ben 10 Wiimote and Nunchuck covers...
After dinner we loaded the kids into the car and headed home, got them all bathed... and then Rob read Xander and Jade stories while I got Blake to bed....

It took Jade and Xander about an hour to settle down and finally go to sleep - which for those two really isn't a bad effort, they were both asleep by 8:30... so hopefully they're not up too early in the morning.. but early enough to be ready in time...
Tomorrow morning, I have to drop Rob at work on the way to dropping the kids at daycare.. he's off to Townsville and wont be back until mid Thursday...
Might have to make something simple for dinner tomorrow night so that I can get all three kids fed and off to bed without any assistance....
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