Trying to convince Jade to go to bed early on Christmas Eve is now a challange..... well not early, just - on time would have been nice.... didn't manage to get her to bed til 7:30pm... and after having two disrupted sleeps for the previous nights.. (as much as SHE loved her slumber parties) - I was hoping she was going to WANT to go to bed early and crash.... but no.. :)

I had just got Jade settled down - and was about to go out of the room when she said "we didn't put out the mince pies for Santa"
(the reason for mince pies this year is that I simply haven't had a chance to cook more shortbread... plus it never stays long enough in the house to have some left for Santa.... Santa has been eating it as soon as it's cooked this year!!!)
So, we had to go and put the mince pies under the tree... Jade was so excited this morning to come out and see just empty mince pie tins - and no mince pies
"He ate them all so that he can get fat!!!"
While all this was happening, Rob, Mat, Greg & Frank were busy in the back yard building the trampoline that we got for the kids.....

Of course, once it was put together - I *HAD* to test it out!!!
Yup - it's fine!
Then the boys continued with putting it together - safety nets and pads....

Greg wanted to test the safety equipment apparently!

Did you know you can SMS and jump? well - you can!

yup yup - still sms'ing...
At about 10pm - I decided that Jade had been asleep long enough that it was safe to start getting everything set up....

The kids Santa Stockings.....
Everything was finished and set up by 11pm - then it was time to try to get some sleep before the kids woke... and Blake decided 4:30am was a good time to get up......
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