Well, so much for the kids sleeping in a bit... Xander was awake at 5:00 - on the dot! He then attempted to wake up Jade... so not overly happy with the situation I got Xander up and put a movie on for him... unfortunately Jade was up about 5mins later... (I guess that's slumber party syndrome for you huh??)
Anyway, I got the kids up dressed, fed and ready for daycare while Rob got himself up and showered and packed a bag for his trip to Townsville (gotta love emergency call outs.... BLERGH!)
Anyway, I dropped all three kids at daycare and headed for a haircut.... then did some grocery shopping - and apparently it'd been a while - because it was nearly $400.... ERGH!
After packing that way, Mom and Frank came over to help me with continuing on the job of moving all the stuff from the house into the shed...
Unfortunately, this time the shifting was just a case of pick it up and lump it in the shed.. Rob being way isn't able to pack things away.. so the shed is a bit of a state - but hopefully it wont take too long to sort out once he returns....
Mom and Frank helped until about 2pm... then Mom came back at about 3pm to mop my front verandah (which I didn't take a photo of - cause that doesn't look that different - except that the floor is clean....)

You can see that there's still a bit of stuff in the entrance that needs to be moved.... Camelbacks and stuff....

The only thing in the hall leading to Rob's office is my "not so secret" DDR Mat for Christmas....
(I bought it for myself - and apparently I even have to wrap it myself.... I think it can just stay there.... the kids aren't going to notice if I'm not unwrapping anything)

Guest room all made up for Mat's arrival tomorrow....

This is the room that we still have to decide how we're going to best utilise the space, but we'll work it out...

Rob's office...
To the untrained eye - this room looks like a complete disaster... but if you saw it before - you'd appreciate the effort that went into clearing it out....

We've opened up the lounge a little downstairs....

NOTHING behind the couches... (except for a bucket and a bottle of water.. but I wasn't going to move those just for a photo opportunity)

we're planning on using this area as a kind of toy area for the kids - it looks smaller than it is... but I couldn't work out how to get a pic to show the true size....

Greg's room is tidy... oh, what's that on the wall? is that Aircon??
NO WAY!!!!
and it's powered!!!
(don't get me started on getting electrical work done!)

The poor shed.... it's full..... but the shelves are empty... so it wont be "full" for long....

more stuff stacked....

behind the stack of boxes, it's not SOO bad....

Ooooh look!!! empty floor space... I'm sure I can find something to drag out of the house to put here! let me see if I can fill it before Rob lands tomorrow!!!

A bigger pile of computer carcasses (I'd guess there are at least 40 computers there)

My poor Storm trapped in amongst all the nasty computer g33k toys!! Poor Storm... :(
The kids finally went to sleep about 7:45 tonight.... so that was better than last night - and I've told Xander and Jade that if either of them wake up early - I want them to go and play their DS's quietly and not wake up the other person... not sure how that'll work....
Blake had his second day at daycare today - and he only managed one 30min sleep again... so I'm expecting a really bad night again tonight..... not sure how to suggest for them to get him down to sleep - but he's gotta at least have one good sleep - if not 2.... he's used to sleeping for 2.5hrs and then 1.5hrs each day... so depriving him of 3.5hrs sleep in a day really takes it's toll.... *fingers crossed*
Anyway, I'm really tired.. and big day tomorrow again....
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