Sunday was our last full day on the Sunshine Coast... it was the day of Connie's Wedding...
Smack and I headed out in the morning to go and set up the projector at the wedding and organise water for the bridesmaids - etc...
We got to the venue and it was a little unorganised in so far as trying to work out where to put the projector and how to hook it up to sound - etc.... but we managed to come up with a solution and test it....
Once we got back to the hotel, we had a quick lunch, then smack had to have a shower and get ready for the wedding.... I dropped him at Connie's place as he had to be there for photos and to travel with her to the wedding (as you'd imagine!)
I'd left Rob at the hotel with the kids, but he was unwell... luckily Blake was asleep the entire time I was gone - so Rob was able to sleep too..
Once Blake woke... we took the kids down for one final swim....

Jade spent more time underwater than above.... but she had a ball....

Blake enjoyed being dunked too... RIGHT under....

Kids were in bed early so Rob and I stayed up to watch a DVD that smack brought up with him... I fell asleep... not sure if it was the DVD or purely cause I was so tired from a busy few days....
Smack got back at 10:30... Rob had gone to bed (he was still not well) - and smack and I stayed up chatting til midnight or just after before we decided that we were just too tired to stay up... and called it a night....
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