8am Sunday morning - we were already out at Deep Creek to go trials riding....

the trials property.... Dad's busy going around to pump everyone's tyres to the correct pressures...

the boys getting kitted up.... (although - calling these two "the boys" would insinuate that there were things other than boys out there.... and well - I was the only female....)

by 9:30am - it was all over for me... I managed to break off my Valve stem.... so psssssss down went the tyre....

I got my camera and headed down to the creek to get pics of the boys riding.....
Had to get a pic of Smack and I :)

and a pic of Wobz and I :)


Wobz and Smack

Frank, Rob & Smack


Smack (again)

Frank doing his thang....

typical Mac pose....

Smack lent me the bike he'd been riding
(Rob's 315) - so I took it for a ride....

and nearly flipped it - but I did control the wheelie
(that was coming up a hill - but you can't see it in the pic)

Greg Paton

Mac Hosking

Dad took David's bike for a ride...
(They were all bike hopping all day)

Smack pose again....

Dad busy chatting....


We don't need to go to Sydney to play in dust storms... we can make our own..... just ask smack!

Smack, Dad, Greg & Frank watching David ride up the hill....

Mac, Smack, Dad & Greg


Mac doing what he does best... sliding down hills....

Frank jumping up the top of the hill.....

Smack doing the wheelie up the hill....

Then I got to ride Frank's bike... that was interesting... 4 stroke... wasn't too bad.. rode it for nearly an hour I think before we packed up to head home...

Rob loading the bikes to head home....

Smack hit a tree and grazed his arm....

When we got home, we picked up the kids.. then Jade felt she had to catch up on some smack time and snuggled up to watch TV with him....

Smack loves her as much as she loves him :)
Sunday night Mom and Dad came over to deliver Jade's "Insect" Biscuits... she'd made Anzac Biscuits with mom while we were off riding... so they brought some over for her.... naturally she wanted to eat them when they were delivered - but it was bed time - so she had to wait til morning....
Frank dropped over too.... then when it was time for them to leave smack and I drove the bikes over to their place as Dad was going to arrange to have my front tyre sorted.... which was all done today.. Yay!!!
Then we came home and watched The Big Bang Theory and then spent the night chatting... it was a great night... and managed to stay up past midnight... yay me!
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