As you'd probably recall, a few weeks back I was all excited to receive my package of American Lollies in the mail.... only to be disappointed by the crappiness that was "Red Vines".... (plus the other stuff wasn't too flash either)...
But my friend Sue bought me some sweets from a shop across the road from her work that sells US imported foods.... and I must say, she's restored some of my faith in the US sweet industry...
Not a fan of peanut butter, that didn't matter - Rob stole those ones straight away... that being the "Butter finger" and "Reece's" chocolates... so he's happy for the afternoon too (I bet there wont be any of those left if I check on him again later... hehee - - - i myself have had the "100 Grand" and I must say a big Y-U-M-M-O! to that one!!!
THANKS SUE!!!!!!!!!

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