After picking up Jade from daycare, we headed to the Marina to have dinner there tonight... It was a lovely evening... not too hot - not too cold... was a little cool - but was nice....

Jade and Bill checking out the flowers...

We then got Jade's scooter out of the car and Rob and Bill took the kids for a walk around the Marina... (I kept our table so that we didn't have to worry about losing it)

Blake enjoyed watching the scenery - before he dozed off....
Bill Enjoyed pushing Blake around...

Jade did have an accident on the scooter - grazed her knee and elbow... but not when the above photo was taken.....


AND the elbow!
(she then decided she needed bandaids.... which stayed on all of about 10mins before she decided she was all better)

Rob looking after the scooter... hehe
(waiting for Mom and Dad, and Greg and Meg to arrive)

Jade was so excited to see Greg arrive... she hasn't seen much of him lately....

Jade, Greg & Meg
(yes, she really is his girlfriend - she's not some random chick that Rob was taking photos of at the footy!)


Greg was then dragged off by Jade to go and play....

and play he did.... although I don't think the kids expected him to come down the slide....

Oh - and apparently he's "cool".....

Jade was bored with eating - so she fed her dinner to the seagulls....

The reason for Greg turning up to dinner was to see his Grandad :)
Anyway, we've had two days where Blake hasn't had his afternoon sleep - and last night he was up from 2am til 4:30am... so I've been up since 2am... so I'm buggered - and hoping for a decent night's sleep tonight....
Night night :)
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