Smack arrived at lunchtime on Friday... we had a good relaxing afternoon and then picked up Jade from daycare once Blake woke... then we headed to Mom and Dad's place to drink their tea before heading home again.....
Saturday morning we were up bright and early... and ready to head out on the bikes by just after 8am.... we took off - filled up and got going - and managed to lose Frank... we weren't sure which way he'd gone - so we went touring town a bit first... turns out - he'd gone the way he was supposed to - had just managed to get ahead of us - and stopped out of sight.....
so, with all the time wasted there, we didn't manage to do the Coal Road before lunch..... we got to Biloela and went to ask Rob's Mobil people where was the best place for lunch - and we ended up at the RSL....

Straight to the PS2 games... (oh, and of course rob was just SHOWING jade how to do it! ehe)

Frank, Dad & Mom sitting around waiting for everyone to work out what they wanted for lunch....

Smack! :)



Jade and Smack fighting over the food buzzy thing.....
(Jade loves Smack to bits!)


Blake was busy off exploring the place... and he loved the stairs... nicely covered in carpet - they were much more fun to play on than Gran's... and a lot softer if he decided to fall down them... (not that he fell at all)

The first pic of the bikes... I'd been hoping to get pics when we started riding (oh yeah, and maybe a pic of me to prove that I rode too... but you'll just have to take my word for it...)
On the way out - I rode my storm and smack rode the trumpy....
At the change up - Rob got his trumpy - and Smack rode my storm...

Smack and the Storm...

Dad and his Beemer...

Frank on his Trixie...

Rob all kitted up to head off after lunch....
Now, when you have someone visit you, you generally end up staying up late (as long as you don't have a baby waking every 5mins) - you stay up late and chat... but Saturday night - we were ALL in bed and asleep by 8pm.... it was really sad! we were all SO buggered!!! (plus we had to be up early Sunday morning to head out on the trials bikes!)
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