Today we went to Mom and Dad's place, I've worked out how I want to do Jade's birthday cake (she wants a toy story cake) - so I decided that I needed to make sure that Ginger Bread was the way to go about it... So, I wanted to test it out....
I was talking to Jaime online - and we decided that making Ginger Bread Men was a good idea for the kids - and it was a warm day - so togs and slippery-slide was in order.....

This kid will put anything in his mouth!

he's also really big on sticking his tongue out a lot... (we think he's playing with new teeth.... but this is a new habit of his)

Jade & Xander ready to slide...

They didn't quite get the concept straight away....

Xander wasn't big on sliding on his tummy.... so he went down on his legs and bum....

Jade would just run down and jump into puddle at the end....

or just sit and play with the water.....
While all this was happening Jaime was inside mixing up the dough for the Ginger Bread Men... (apparently being pregnant means that sliding down the slippery-slide wasn't what she wanted to do.... but she'd laugh at me doing it - trying to show the kids how it was done... thank goodness no one was there taking photos or video!!)

Jade loved playing with the dough... she was cutting out Ginger Bread Men, and then rolling them back into dough balls... none of hers made it into the oven....

Xander decorating his ginger bread men...

Jade going nuts on the icing with hers....

and here's mine... (I'm not a creative type!)

Jade's.... the one with the 5 smarties was her first one - then I think she got bored....


Xander's.... (he did 2 - but ate the other one before I could get a pic....)

Blake just chilling later....
(was a hot day - he spent most of the day just in a nappy.....)
Blake also had a turn on the slippery slide - but he did not enjoy it even a little bit... he rolled and then had all the water spraying in his face.. did not make for a happy puggle.... Mom and Dad then took him to play in the pool - he was happier with that concept... :)
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