It's been about 6 months of arguing with local shed company... and FINALLY they've replaced the whirly bird they installed broken! Well not really broken - it did turn every now and then... but now it turns ALL the time AND it doesn't make horrible grindy noises!!! yay!!!!
Amazing that they don't respond to normal emails saying "do you think you could possibly get around to fixing this??" but send them an email saying that you'll take them to small claims and get someone else to do it - and also copy the main shed people the email... and all of a sudden.. new whirly bird....
(This is all just on top of the fact that they didn't install the whirly birds at all when they first did the shed - claimed to have forgotten that we'd ordered them.... I still think they were hoping that we'd just not bother questioning it....)

They even managed to get the colour right - which wouldn't usually be something you'd get excited about... but with all the other screwups on the job - it wouldn't have surprised me if they'd installed a bright pink one....
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