Bill had brought up Jade's birthday present with him (as well as Blake's - but that one can wait)... and given her birthday was only a week away - we suggested that he gave it to her so that he could share in the joy.... (Thursday 24th Sept)
well boy was there joy!!
This doll house she has been given was one that Bill made for Bethia when she was a little girl.... he has since repainted it to a lovely light pink with dark pink trimmings... and he bought her a stack of furniture to fill it.... She was so excited... :)

Poor Blake got bitten by a mosquito down at the marina the night before and his little eye was so swollen... it was down by the evening though and now you can't even tell it was up at all... (although he's still got his dermatitis or whatever it is - as the cream doesn't appear to be doing anything!) ((he'd also been bitten behind the ear and it was all swollen too....))

Bill also asked if Jade could open her present from Auntie Bet.... so she opened that too - and was so excited to have the Disney Princess birthday card....

Blake enjoyed pulling all of the furniture out of the house....

All set up neatly....

This is the present she got from Auntie Bet... a little apron with writing pads and tissues and coloured pencils... and over on the right is a "sock purse" - it's a claw purse with a sock as the "purse" part of it....

And the doll house all closed up....

Blake, Bill & Jade

Jade and her Grandad...
It was a bit sad that Bill only came up for 2 nights and one day.... but, it was still a good visit and the kids loved seeing him....
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