We went back to Amaze'n'Things again this year as we knew the girls would love it (as well as good fun for Rob and Geoff...) (Last Year)

The Digger.....



Jade and Blake watching the Window Waterfalls....

Puzzle Tables...

Miss Molly

Even puzzle games to keep Blake happy...

Blake's favourite part.... the Bulldozer...

Mirror Maze

The Special of the Day...

Outdoor Maze

On their way out.... those 3d drawings that are all over the internet....

Then it was time for mini-golf

"Pro" golfers... *cough*cough*

Jade shows them how it's done...
After we'd finished at A Maze'n'things we headed back to the caravan park and put Blake down for his afternoon sleep, then I headed in to Cranbourne to pick up smack and bring him back to the Island...
We had our pizza night then smack and I headed into Cowes to meet up with some of the Bikeme guys for coffee (well coffee for me - beer for all of them).....
Early night due to tiredness and the threat of early waking children.... (mind you, early night was still midnight or something.....)
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