Australia Day..... I hadn't actually planned anything major... and the day before I'd been talking to Jaime and she invited us to head to her place for a simple BBQ.... Plans change :)

Yup! this is the conversation we had about a change of venue... we decided to invade Mom and Dad's place so that we could hog the pool.... (it was a hot day!)
Mom and Dad didn't mind us invading - all they had to provide was the pool - we provided all of the food.... :)

While I was having my conversation with Jaime, Jade quietly played her DS.... Blake was sleeping.....

and then he was awake!
We gathered everything.... well when I say we - I mean "I".... I had mince, steak, sausages, a watermelon, nappies, togs, spare clothes...... AND..... I was carrying Blake....

Cheeky Monster!

My little heart breaker :)

Jade helped me make Rissoles.....

Blake helped Gran and Grandpa get rid of their unwanted ice cream...

Grotty little Puggle!

Xander watching the swing action....

Jade *loves* the swing..... and she LOVES swinging as high as possible....

apparently cleaning the ice cream off Blake before sending him to the sandpit wasn't an option... this way he could get sand stuck to his face too!!!

The swing master himself.... :)
Then it was time for a quick dip before lunch was cooked.......

Damian, Xander & Jade

Uncle Frank & Jade

Me, who can't get sun..... pink, peel, white... (no point really!)

Spunky Man!

Awwwww..... cuteness..... 1 month and 3 days old..... ain't he the cutest???

Lookin' Good Jaime!!!

Dive sticks are for eating.... Just ask Blake!

Mmmmmm BBQ goodness.....
This year was the first year we haven't had our cookie boy to BBQ our food..... was weird not having Rob there for the day.... but I kept MMS'ing him photos of the food and the kids.... so he felt slightly involved while he busily worked away....
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