This morning we got up at 7am (local time) - both Rob and I were awake before the kids for once... how unusual!
Blake was being clingy again.... lack of sleep I'd probably assume.... so I had to take him in the shower with me, and have now discovered that as pale as he appears - his skin is STILL darker than mine.... that's just sad - I'm so fair....
Anyway, enough about sulking about my complexion....
We got the kids in the car and headed to Narelle's for breakfast... but first we had to stop for Bacon - as well as picking up a few odds that we needed (such as undies for Jade - etc) by the time we got to Narelle's it at 8:45 - so there was no hope of getting to the Zoo by 9am opening... but that wasn't a major concern....
We had breakfast and headed to the Melbourne Zoo and arrived at about 10am.... then I'd said to Rob that I'd switch lenses on the camera before we got going as it had the 50mm lens on and I just wanted the 18-200VR for pics at the zoo as they're better for zooming etc....
Anyway, so I pull the camera out the bag - no battery.... AHHHHHHH CRAP!!!! (so, I started to think that this was the beginning of another "AHHHHHHHHHHH CRAP!!!!" day.... but, the good thing was - we're only about 17km from the Zoo... So Rob dropped Jade and I off and he took Blake with him back to the caravan park (Blake was sleeping - so we didn't want to risk waking him)...
Anyway, by the time everyone else arrived Rob was only about 20mins away - so Jade and I went into the Zoo shop as we didn't have hats ... Surprisingly their prices weren't through the roof... I guess that's cause they're not Taronga Zoo!

Shaf & Narelle

Damien & Jade walked around holding hands most of the day....

Blake was intrigued for the first couple of hours - then he was just too tired....

The Lion sat up - gave everyone a look over and then lay back down....
But, Jade was happy - he wasn't nearly as boring as the Lion's at Dubbo Zoo that just slept when we were there!

The Meerkats were all snuggled up....

.... then the hubby got up and did his stand against a wall - and the missus came over to give him a talking to!

Jade was showing the Meerkat her Giraffe (apparently her Giraffe was making friends with the Meerkat)

Then we finally got to the exhibit that Jade had been waiting for all day.... the Giraffe's....

Jade loves her Giraffes


Everyone sitting down having lunch....

Blake made sure Rob didn't go without....

Then Blake went off for a bit of a wander.... being stuck in the pram obviously made him a little restless..... but he happily sat in there all day... he was so good!

Jade was explaining something to Damien.. not that anyone else knew what she was going on about... Damien listened intently....

Rob pushing a very worn out little puggle....

Jade and her Gorilla

Shaf & Damien on an Aligator


Jade on the elephant.....

Edmond didn't look too impressed to be on the Elephant

in the butterfly house - Edmond had a butterfly rest on his hat...

Jade looking out over the Pelican enclosure

The Orangutan was playing Peek-a-Boo with this sheet... he had everyone in the crowd laughing.... they really know how to put on a show...

Jade stole my hat....

The seals were good... especially the view from below...

Damien, Jade & Edmond
After we left the Zoo, we headed to a Kmart to pick up Togs (as, OMG, it's HOT in Melbourne... we honestly didn't think the weather would be hot enough (QLD Style) for swimming....) so we didn't bother.... but now we know we should have... but that's ok - we go through enough togs that having spares isn't really a big deal....
While we were there, Rob did manage to convince me to get Jade a DSi ... it's the latest DS gaming console... and part of the stuff that didn't come down in the suitcase is the charger for the DS... but it's been playing up a bit - and our other one (we had 2 - Rob and I bought them years ago.... ) is dead... and we weren't able to find a charger at Kmart.....
Anyway, so now Jade has this DSi that can take photos.... so she's got her own mini-camera as well... she's stoked.. and it's PINK.... but she plays it so much that it's not a waste....
When we got back from the shops - we had dinner - and then got togged up and headed to the pool.... I wasn't in with Blake for too long as he got cold really quickly... but Jade was in the pool for about an hour.....
What you can't see in the pics is that Jade is wearing Board Shorts for swimming and not the usual swim pants that we buy her back home.... but when she found them, she found them in a size 1 as well... so she went "oooh - Blake can have the SAME boardshorts... and we can be TWINS!!!!!!" - - - ehehe - she's so cute.. so yeah - they have the same shorts... but Blake's size 1 ones are a little too big - so we may just do a quick stitch job at Narelle's tomorrow before heading to Lakes Entrance - cause he'll want shorts that fit on the beach....

and that ends day 2...... bed time now I think.... :)
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