We got up - had breakfast (of the non-cooked variety!) - attempted to get Blake down for a morning sleep (he refused) - so we all got ready to head out.... we'd decided to head to Lakes Entrance for some beach time....
We went our separate ways - Narelle and Shaf had said something about going to a winery - so we said that we'd just meet them at Lakes Entrance later....
We found a Sports Club with a really great kids play area - so we went there for lunch....

I don't believe there was a single toy in the boxes that wasn't broken... not that the kids cared at all...

my grotty little man...
for a teething guy - he's reasonably happy :)

Shhh... don't tell Jade that she's not really playing and that money needs to be put in...
Much cheaper this way....
After lunch - we took off to find beach... apparently Lakes Entrance doesn't really have a "beach" - and all the nice sandy spots were taken up with fishing people... and fishing people = hooks = not safe for littlies....
We found a quiet spot with sand and water... that would have to do....

Blake decided that he'd still go in the water - even though it wasn't nice clean beach water... and it wasn't lovely sand under your feet once you hit the water.... it was black slimey sludge stuff... he was still happy.....

Who'da thought that you'd come out the water dirtier than you went in???

Going back in again.... Jade opted against going into the water and stayed on the sand with her digger shark thing... (one of Narelle's beach toys....)

sitting in the muddy wetness.....

Footprints from one of his - walk in - walk out trips....

Lets see if we can get even dirtier???

"That water is disgusting... ewww ewwww....!!!!"
Jade did not agree to go in at all!

The unfortunate sucker who had to do all the water walking.....
We headed home to get Blake down for an afternoon sleep as we figured he'd need it.....

and we were right!!!
After Blake woke, we headed to the park at the caravan park... I just took the 50mm lens to play again as there wasn't as much running around to be done.. and i'd got enough photos for the day - so anything in addition was just a bonus....
We BBQ'd the leftover two steaks from the night before and we had leftover chicken and pretty much tried to use up any leftover stuff for dinner... at least we didn't have to head into town to find food for just one meal.....
After dinner, we bathed Blake and put him into his Pooh Bear Winter PJ's... hoping that if he was really warm he'd sleep all night (we got that right!) but... he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute in it that I had to leave him up for a little while so that I could get some photos....

Blake's decided that if Jade can climb this ladder all the way to the top - so can he!
After this we got the kids all off to bed and had a reasonably early night - didn't figure it was worth trying to blog last night because it took so long to upload the pics from the day before - I just didn't have the energy for it...
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