Friday night I'd been messaging my friend Katrina to see how things were going... and found out that she was in Rocky for the weekend, so I loaded up the kids Saturday morning to head for her property.....
When we hit Rocky - we stopped at Shopping Fair - I wanted to get Blake some runners that actually fit him properly.... the ones he had fit - but were a bit long - so he was tripping over every now and then.... so we found him some nice runners... and Jade wanted new ones too... I offered to get her the ones like Blake's - because they went all the way up to her size... but no - she had better plans
"I know which ones I want, come see!!!"
so, I was imagining her pointing out a pair of Pink Barbie runners... (which - I couldn't keep when she grows out of them for Blake.... that's why I liked the other ones!)
"Ben 10!!!!!!"
Ok, I can work with that.... Blake'll wear Ben 10 :)

Jade playing ball with Tequila

Blake munching on a rice cake....

Jade Flexing her muscles!
We had a great time with Katrina... and left just after midday when the kids were really getting over hungry and over tired... so we did the Maccas drive-thru and kept going... Jade handed Blake his chips and nuggets as we drove... so it worked well....
Jade even managed to entertain Blake the entire trip home - so he didn't sleep.... .and went straight to sleep when we got home.... BLISS!!!!
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