Saturday morning Rob, Nick and Geoff headed to the track.... Rob had to borrow Jodie's scooter to get to the track.... apparently it was quite a sight to see him on the road on this little mint green scooter that struggles to do 80km/hr.. :)

(he did do the jacket up before he rode off!)

Nick and his Tractor...

Smack watching the action...

Not sure if Jodie was worried about Rob riding her scooter - or about Geoff wearing her lovely pink helmet! hehe

MMM attractive!
(Rob couldn't get Jodie's helmet on - but Geoff could - so Rob wore Geoff's as it was a XXL)
Once they'd left, smack the kids and I headed into Cowes to go shirt shopping as well as to get meat etc for the BBQ that night (we also went and had lunch in at a cafe in cowes - it was REALLY nice and they make the best chips... we need to remember that for next year!)
Jodie and Molly also headed into Cowes to meet up with us, as well as Phil, Amy and Kieran.... (Kieran is 1st November 2008 - so he's 2 days older than Blake)
(Side Note:: in the morning, Rob had been playing with Blake and was letting him run around the top level of the bunks and then came over to show me the big bump on his head from where he'd headbutted the windowsill - When we met up with Phil and Amy we noticed that Kieran had exactly the same bump on his head - only 2 days older - so he had the bruise whereas Blake just had a pink bump)


Kieran and Blake decided to play in the port-a-cot.... funny how if there's another kid in there - it's not such a bad place to be....

We then took the kids to the park at the caravan park to play for a bit before dinner.....
Then it was time for the Saturday night BBQ......
After dinner we got the kids to bed... then smack, Nick and I headed to a Bikeme party.... we had such a great night.... a slightly rougher group of guys than our usual crowd.... but really really nice all the same....
When we got back to the van park Marty and his girlfriend were there - so we hung out in Geoff and Jodie's cabin for a while before it was time to call it a night......
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