The trip is starting to take it's toll.... Rob ended up having to go into Jade's room to sleep the night to get her to go to sleep.... This worked out well for me, I had the bed to myself... and when Blake woke for a feed at 1:30am - I fed him and put him down on the bed next to me when he'd gone to sleep and he slept until 7am... Unfortunately I didn't sleep too well as I was continually checking to make sure he wasn't going to fall off the bed (even though I'd set up pillows beside him - I just wasn't 100% sure he wouldn't work out how to fall off the bed.....
When we got up this morning, we started to get ready to head out to have breakfast with everyone down at Dolls Point (the place we always go to see Bill when we're in Town - it's got a great play park for the kids)... then it started raining... we were going to head down to the park around 8am - even though everyone else was only going to turn up at about 10am - we figured we could keep Jade entertained there until everyone else arrived...
So, plans were put on hold.... unfortunately - or maybe fortunately - during the holding period - Blake fell asleep.....

Blake hasn't had any really good sleeps since we got here, so we let everyone know that we'd probably be a little late...

Jade and Rob did some colouring to pass the time....

Jade had to show me her Barbie (it doesn't have pants because she didn't like the pants it was wearing - so she's happier for her to be naked.... go figure!)
At 10am Blake still hadn't budged - so we decided that we'd have to wake him else we'd never make it down there in time.... he'd slept for nearly 2hrs - and I just moved him around to put his Baby Einstein outfit on and then we put him in the car and left.....

Blake was in a fantastic mood by the time we got there... yay for sleeps!

Aunty Bet quickly nabbed him....

Bill took the two older kids to play in between showers (and even while it was raining lightly - they weren't interested in coming back to sit at the cafe)...

Tom is easily amused... too cute!

Jade and Rob playing on the surf board spring thingy....

Bill is such a regular at this cafe that they let him put in his own order... Bethia played waitress!

Jade came back for some quality sibling cuddles...

Bill, Tiny & Bethia

Couldn't you just eat him up? :)

Blobby Happy Pills and Daddy Happy Pills....
(Jade got the M&M's and went "look Daddy, just like your pills!!")

Climbing the rope tower...

Tom wasn't afraid to go high.... (you'll have to click on the pic to get a better view)

Mark & Tiny

Tom decided that he'd gone a bit too high and was scared about coming down... so Bill started climbing up to get him...

and brought him back down...

I think Jade decided it looked like fun to make an adult climb this tower, so she went to exactly the same point Tom had been and then called for Rob....
After we'd finished at Dolls Point we headed off to a play centre in Bankstown to meet up with Chris, Jo & Caitie... The kids had a ball, they've got a really great slide and trampoline and a climbing wall (on top of the usual play centre maze things)....

Down the slide.....

Bethia talking to Blake...

Caitie & Chris

Jade & Tom on the trampoline...

in the ballpit - emptying it of the balls....
By 4pm we'd decided it was getting a bit late for all of the kids.... none of them had had much of a sleep (Tom and Tiny had slept on the way to the play centre - but only really a power nap)... We headed off and Jade and Blake were both asleep in the car before we'd gotten off Canterbury Rd... Just before we got home Blake woke up and was happily just chatting to himself... Jade didn't budge...
When we got home (4:45pm), I woke Jade up to get her out of the car - figured we could keep her awake for an hour or so and then get her off to bed.... she didn't want to wake at all and was trying to snuggled into her carseat... so I said "would you like to have a rest on your bed for a little bit and then we can watch a movie?" "I'm not going to bed....." (was the entire response) So I said that I'd put her down on the couch and we could watch a movie... I carried her inside... she got onto the couch - snuggled in and said "I'll just rest here and watch a movie" - and promptly went to sleep.... she hasn't watched any movie yet...

Blake was asleep just after 6pm, his little power nap on the way home had been enough that we had to wait for him to get tired again before attempting to put him down to sleep... we've rearranged the one room so that the port-a-cot is in there so hopefully Blake wont freeze tonight (we believe that this is the only reason he's been waking so much during the night... so here's hoping he gets a decent nights sleep!)
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