Jade, Blake and I landed in Sydney at 3pm this afternoon... Rob and his dad were at the airport to meet us which was great... Jade ran straight up to Rob like she hadn't seen him in weeks (he only left Gladstone on Tuesday to head down)...
Anyway, we headed back to the caravan park where we're staying for the week so that we could feed the kids and make sure everything was in order before heading over to visit Rob's mother and sister and her family... (the main reason for the visit - Rob's sister and her family are in the country for a month)..
We hadn't been at the van park for more than about 5mins before Jade had a friend in the cabin... I'm assuming we'll probably see a fair amount of her over the week as her cabin is straight across the road....

Jade & Olivia playing on Jade's bed (yup - she's got a queen bed for the week too!)

Olivia, Jade & Bill
(I asked Jade to come over so that I could get a photo of her and Grandad - and Olivia wanted to be in the photo too!)

Rob feeding Blake... or attempting to feed Blake... (I don't think he's overly keen on the cereal - he wants the good stuff... steak etc)

Olivia & Jade
(Jade lost her thick shake in the process of making friends)
We eventually headed off to Angela's and managed to arrive about 5mins before Bethia, Mark, Tom & William (aka. Tiny Baby) arrived back from a trip down Woollongong way....

Bethia, Tiny Baby, Blake & Rob

Blake, Bethia, Tiny Baby, Tom & Mark

Tom & Tiny Baby
(this is what he'll look like when he gets hair! you kind of lose Tom when he's holding William)

Tom, Rob & Jade

Tom & Rob
(Favourite Uncle Rob!!!)

Blake & William
(William is 8 days older than Blake)

Tom & Jade
(Jade is 6 months older than Tom)

Tiny Baby thinks that Jade is super funny!

Bath Time... Jade & Tom


Jade (Aka Bubble Beard)
While those two were bathing... these two were here....

Floor Gym Fun!

They look quite pleased with themselves...

Tiny Baby and his breadstick!

Playing around with the kids just before it was time to head back to the caravan park....
Hopefully Tom went to sleep really easily tonight, Jade was falling asleep in the car - Blake didn't wake up at all... took him from the pram - into the car seat - into the port-a-cot... he woke up about an hour later because he'd rolled onto his stomach - so I used the opportunity to put him into a sleep sack and he kept sleeping while I was doing this... he must have been really tired....
Anyway, it's late... bed time :)
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