We managed to have both kids up, ready and out of the cabin by 7:30 this morning... plans were to head to Angela's place to have breakfast before heading off to visit Shane and Jo for the afternoon....
When I got up, I had tossed up the idea of putting Blake into his new orange and blue stripey suit that I'd bought yesterday, but ended up putting him into his "old" yellow and blue one that I'd managed to get matching pants for yesterday....
When we arrived at Angela's - I was in two minds about whether I was glad or not that Blake wasn't in the same suit as Tiny... hehe... we'd bought Tiny a set of the clothes too - and we were thinking that having "twin" photos would have been cute... but then decided that in this day and age, the boys were "technically" dressed up as twins - as they were in the same outfit - just different colours! :)

They're so cute!!!!

Jade & Tom - cuddles at the park

Rob, Bethia and Angela preparing breakfast... BBQ at the park - it was very nice!

Mark & Tiny

Jade & Tom looking off into the distance
After we'd finished breakfast - we packed the kids into the car and headed off to Shane's house... I'd never seen Shane's new place - so it was great to see it finally! :)

Blake spent a lot of time in this "activity centre"
(Bethia did have a word for it - but my brain is asleep and I can't think of it... but he loved it!)

Shane & Jo

Amelia & Claude


Blake was playing very gently with Mr Kitty Fantastico....

Amelia and her drop dead gorgeous eyes!

Jade entertaining Amelia on the trampoline...

Amelia & Blake practising sitting up and playing with toys...

Amelia has had the hang of sitting up for 1-2 weeks already - Blake's nearly there - but still has a round bottom!
After we left Shane's place, we headed back to the cabin, picked up the kids pyjamas and then headed off to Angela's for dinner and to play with the kids for a bit but headed back to the cabin at 7:30 so that Jade & Tom could get a decent sleep as both kids are lacking in sleep at the moment (moreso for Tom, poor little thing is exhausted...) (the theory of Jade going to sleep hasn't worked - she's STILL talking away in her room and it's 9:30pm!)

Tiny & Blake chewing on whatever they can get their hands on....

Tiny has the sitting theory sorted....

Blake is pretty much there... we only had a couple of falls tonight - but he can mostly correct himself if he starts to fall...
All in all, another fantastic day... tomorrow we're catching up with Bethia/Mark etc and Bill and Aunty Bet... then we're off to Bankstown to catch up with Chris & Jo and their daughter Caitlin... another busy day... :)
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