A couple of weeks ago Blake decided that he could roll in the bath as he'd learnt the new skill outside of the bath... he had no nappy holding him back... so he went to roll and copped a mouthfull of water... so that put an end to it....

Jade "helping" to bath Blake...
Tonight he decided to give it another go... and was successful!

The dribbles down his face is water because he'd decided to dunk his face....

He then decided he was safer on his back again.....

Blake practicing to be a nude calendar model!
Blake then decided to sit back up.....

Push with the elbow....

push with the hand....

All the way up!!!

and down again.....

I think he just wanted to get back into his calendar pose!
He's not sitting up on his own yet, but he can push himself up there....
While all of this was happening, Jade was in the bath.... once she was finished I took Blake into her room and put him on her bed while I helped Jade get her pj's on.... knowing full well that Blake can roll onto his stomach I was very careful and lay him right up against the wall on Jade's bed... apparently that wasn't the right choice... all of a sudden Jade goes "uh-oh" I turn around and Blake's done his final roll off the bed.....
(I picked him straight up!)
I think it was more of a shock to him than being hurt... he landed on top of the doona on the mat on top of the carpet.... the fall couldn't have been softer without covering the floor in feathers.... but it was a rude shock for him.... next time I'll put him on the floor!!!
Blake had some more farex for dinner (again he only ate a tiny amount) and was in bed and asleep by 5:45pm....
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