Yesterday we headed off to the Harbour Festival... Family Fun Day... so half price rides - etc... plus the markets were on...
We went to the markets first because we knew that if Jade got onto the rides that she wouldn't be happy doing the market stuff as she'd want to live on the rides... and we were right...
Nothing overly exciting at the markets this time, just sometimes you manage to find things that you like... but jade got 4 pairs of socks - tinkerbell, cinderella and 2x Dora... so she's happy.... tried to buy a hat for Blake - but the smallest one still covered his eyes - so it was no good...
Then it was off to go on the rides...

Jade enjoyed the carousel - but she didn't get into rocking the horse - she was too busy holding on tight... it got up a reasonable amount of speed...

Blake somehow managed to go to sleep while walking around - it was extremely noisy...

Rob clearly in need of a haircut - I have sorted this out today!

Bug's Life Ride - Jade picked the ladybird...

Thumbs up!

The teacup ride didn't overly thrill her I don't think...

Blake woke up soon after....

I'm still in this chair?? How much longer???

The next ride was motorbikes... we thought it was funny how Jade put her feet where she puts them on Grandpa's motorbike... not on the footpegs! we're just glad they had belts on - else she would have been standing up!

Go the motorbike!!!
I was definitely glad to get home afterwards... Jade went a bit feral towards the end of the day - but it was 1pm or so and she was past due for a sleep... then it turned out that she was sick this morning - so we think that may have been part of the reason for the feral.... (she always seems to go a bit horrid just before getting sick - but she was fine after lunch today - was only pukey sick this morning...)
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