For a 'non' long weekend - it was a very long weekend at the Thomas Household....
Yesterday I got a call from Jaime to ask if we'd have Xander for the night - so we had to re-arrange Jade's room as Xander is no longer able to sleep in the Nursery (due to it having another resident these days)...

Jade's room with Blake's top mattress put into it for Xander to sleep on...

There was no challenge involved in getting Jade into the bath tonight... always better when there's someone to play with....

Blake enjoyed watching the bathroom fun from the walker....

After bathtime it was time to watch a movie to calm down for the night...
Xander wasn't overly happy with this concept as the DS's got put away for the evening....
Then came bedtime!
This is FUN for a number of reasons... firstly - Jade's not used to having someone in her room - so it was very exciting having another bed and giving her someone to talk to - instead of just talking to herself until she falls asleep.... secondly - because when one child gets upset - then both do.....
Xander nearly went home last night, he was getting a bit upset... then when I said "ok, grab your stuff, your Dad will be here soon" - he suddenly decided he wanted to stay... and the rest of the evening was a breeze!
We got up and had pancakes for breakfast... then got the kids dressed and headed to the Marina for the morning and then for a BBQ lunch....

This thing that Blake is chewing on is a "Sassy Teething Feeder" - it is awesome!
Blake's been getting really upset if someone is eating and he's not... which - when you have a 3yr old isn't something you can avoid....
The Teething Feeder is a mesh bag with a handle that Blake can hold - it gives me a way to give him snacks without having to puree everything... so I use this to shove in pieces of watermelon, grapes, banana or pear (or anything else - those are all that we've tried so far and I've only had them a few days) - they're great because you can put cold foods in there to ease his gums...

Jade & Xander setting up hopscotch that Aunty Bethia and Uncle Mark gave Jade when we were in Sydney....

Blake's decided to find new things to chew on....

Soccer with Grandpa

Blake with his new "Alex" toy from Uncle Frank.. (wearing Uncle Frank's Akubra)

Jade & Rob on the "beach"
At Spinnaker Park they've made a beach... it's enough to keep the kids happy... not as nice as Tannum though...

Blake zonked... still with his Alex toy...
After we'd finished at the Marina we headed back to Mom and Dad's place as Jade wanted to have a swim... when we arrived she changed her mind and played with the Alex toys (Blake's one - and the one that Uncle Frank gave Jade for Christmas 2006 - hers is much bigger - but Blake's one is a great size for Blake right now)...

Mom took Blake to the pool to dip his feet...
Wouldn't you know it!?!?! Jade changed her mind AGAIN about wanting to go for a swim!

Blake playing with the water feature....
After we'd bathed Blake tonight - we put him on the rug in his room for some crawling practice...

Bum Up.... (not as impressive with the baggy suit on - but he's not fat enough to fill it and his body is too long for a smaller size....)

Leg pulled forward - and fall to the side!

Other leg forward...

Head up at all times!
So far Blake's crawling attempts have been face down and dragging his nose... (even from the first day we brought him home from hospital.. he used to push himself with his feet (as long as you had your hands at his feet to stop them sliding backwards) - andhe'd drag his nose right along the bed.... he's getting the idea... hopefully soon I'll have a video blogworthy to share!
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