After leaving the airport in Rocky we headed home (as you'd expect!)...
Poor Jaime has been having a problem with back spasms... so we took Xander for the afternoon so that Damian didn't have to take him in to work with him.... (plus - a visit from Xander always keeps Jade occupied!)

They had a great afternoon playing with Jade's My Little Pony Playsets... But the "Hit" of the afternoon was Jade's "Baby Born"... (and unfortunately I didn't get any photos of this - because I was busy with Blake while all of this was going on)... But it was definitely funny to listen to them play Mommy and Daddy with this doll... and as you'd expect - they didn't agree on everything.. hehe
J - She's done a wee in her nappy... we have to change it
X - There's not much wee - don't change it yet...
(maybe Xander realised that the doll has on one of Blake's disposables and was saving me money! Or maybe he was worried that Jade would make him change the nappies...)
Xander then was carrying around the play "port-a-cot"
X - She needs to have a sleep
J - She *NEEDS* to go to play park!!!! (which apparently was in Jade's room)
The next morning - Blake happily sleeping all rugged up in our bed... Rob took Jade to school so that we could leave Blake sleeping.. he's been a bit interrupted lately when he's been trying to sleep... he was enjoying having no one there to poke him :)
I then spent the day visiting people... firstly I went to Bec's place to visit... I wish I'd taken the camera... Emily is such a little cutie.... after leaving Bec's we went to visit Jaime who was laid up on the couch - so I made lunch and gave her Blake to hold... (he was quite happy with that situation and went to sleep)
Friday I had to go off for my second visit for my root canal (yay! pfft)... I swear my tooth hurts more now than it did to start with... although it's feeling better this morning... so hopefully it'll all be over soon....
Mom came to the house to look after Blake and as soon as I got home we loaded into the car and picked up Gran to go and visit Jaime again (Aunty Lyn was in town... main reason for the visit.. heh).... so we went out for coffee.... headed home around lunchtime... I'd hoped that Blake would sleep in the afternoon - but I was wrong... I'm always wrong about that kind of thing...
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