Jade still loves Blake to bits... but now she's decided that he's bigger - and she's bigger - so she can do it on her own... this comes with challenges... almost at the point where we can't leave her and Blake in the room together alone for even a minute....
For Example:
On Sunday night I went to the room for what would have been 1min at most... Blake was in his rocker and Jade was happily watching My Little Pony and playing with various Pony toys...
Blake starts to whinge... so I go running to see what has upset him... as I'm coming down the hall I can see that the pillow has been put on his rocker... so I'm thinking to myself that Jade has decided that he's cold and she figures the pillow is like a mini-doona...
As I get closer, I can ONLY see Pillow in the rocker.... Blake wasn't in there... and there's jade... getting another blanket for Blake, who is now laying on the couch...
So, of course, I react with "NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOO........" it wasn't shouted.. but I was upset - it wouldn't take much for him to fall off the couch and she would never have seen me put him on the couch (I learnt with Jade that even really young babies can roll themselves off couches.... so I never leave Blake alone anywhere where he can hurt himself...)
Poor Jade... in tears going "I.... was.... just.... trying..... to..... help....."
At this point my heart breaks.. poor little thing was trying to do the right thing without realising how much damage she could do.... so we had to have yet another talk about how she's too small to be carrying blake or picking him up.... we haven't had another incident since...
Yesterday morning she wanted to hold him and I was still trying to make her lunch for school - so I put her quilt on the floor and laid him down and told Jade to lay with him.... then I came to find this....

A much less stressful way to find the two kids :)
When I first went in - they were really holding hands - but by the time I got the camera Jade had decided that he could play with her thumb instead....
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