Bonds has recently come out with the "EasySuit" - - - or the "not so easy" suit as it really should be renamed.... Anyway, once I worked out that these suits were a nightmare to use, I started looking out for normal bonds suits...
There's something so nice about the material that Bonds uses, no one else comes close....
So, while I was in at Big-W the other day looking for nappy covers (there apparently just isn't enough people using cloth nappies for people to bother stocking decent nappy covers - which I did manage to find when we had Jade... so people are less inclined to use cloth nappies in the last 3 years apparently....) - - anyway, enough on that rant.... (although - I'm sure to complain about it again at some point)
So, after giving up on the nappy cover - I still had time to kill (I was waiting for photos to print out at Harvey Norman - and there were 360 of them - so I had a lot of time to waste) - so I went to have a look at the boys rompers (I'm always good for new cute rompers) - and I found some bonds suits with buttons in the crotch!!! you wouldn't believe how excited I was... unfortunately the smallest size they had was O and Blake is still OO - but - another great thing about Bonds... not only do they stretch - but they seem to be able to fit the smaller sizes too... BARGAIN!!! unfortunately they only had two O's - and then some 2's.... so I bought both the O's - there's thisone - and a blue/grey striped one....
I managed to find some long sleeved bonds suits on ebay - so I'm all set for winter too - but I needed the short sleeved ones - and I couldn't find any.... so I'm super happy!!!

Oh, and in the last week, Blake has finally started paying attention to things other than people... he's worked out how to use his boppy hand.... and loves to bop the toys that hang over the floor gym as well as his rocker..... He's even worked out how to grab onto his elephant ring thing....

Do you HAVE to watch me play with my toys???

Just a little closer.... a little closer.....

Got it!!!
Blake's haircolour is still confusing everyone.... we've got votes for White Blonde like Rob was.... but we're also seeing the tinge of Red like Gran..... I'm sure we'll be able to tell in the next 9 months once he has a bit more hair.... each photo seems to point in different directions....
1 comment:
Cloth diapering is big business over here. If you find anything online that you want, you can always have it shipped to my house and then I'll ship it on to you.
Btw, Blake is adorable!!
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