This morning was the morning to sign Jade up for KindyGym... so we headed to the local PCYC and signed her up, they had play time there so that the kids could check out the various aparatus... Jade thought this was fantastic...
She walked on the "floor" balance beam - ie. the balance beam that is right on the floor - as if she was just walking on the floor... it didn't seem to phase her too much... she even got to go on the normal balance beam - with the assistance of one of the gymnastics girls.... they had trampolines and climbing ropes.... I think Jade's favourite thing was the foam pit...
She got upset when it was time to leave crying out for me to let her stay and she was trying to reach back into the building on the way out.... other parents went "well - I guess that's a good sign..." and here's hoping that it is... her first class is next saturday - so I'll endeavour to get some photos... Xander will be in the class with her as well as Edward who's in her Kindy class at daycare... I'm sure there'll be more kids that she knows there.... *fingers crossed she enjoys it*
While I'd taken Jade to the KindyGym signup - I'd left Blake with Mom and Dad - so we headed to their place to pick him up and have a cup of tea... when it was time to leave, Jade decided she had to stay there so that she could have a sleep and then swim when she woke up... Mom was ok with this - so I left Jade there and took Blake home for a sleep (he'd only power napped through the morning)...
We went to Mom and Dad's this afternoon to pick up Jade and she was in the pool playing with the new Pool Noodles that Mom bought... in swimming classes they've just started swimming with the pool noodles - I think it's more a fun thing than really teaching them anything because she can already swim the length of Mom and Dad's pool without any assistance.... but she enjoys them - and pool time at Mom and Dad's place is fun time - not lessons....

This is "Jade the Elephant"

Swimming with the Noodle....
Jade jumping to the pool noodle....
Pool Noodle - the swing....
After all of the swimming was finished (once Mom got too cold - Rob got in - Jade was in the pool about an hour and a half before we finally managed to get her out)... we told Jade that it was time to go home... but no, she decided she was going to stay with Gran and Grandpa... so we confirmed that this was ok with Mom and Dad and off we went....
It was really weird without Jade at home for the evening.. but at 8:15pm I got a phonecall... "I think you're going to have to come and get her".... it's never been a problem her staying with Mom and Dad overnight before - but that's always because there's been a reason for it... but tonight was her choice - and I guess she changed her mind... lucky we're only 5 blocks away isn't it?
When we got home she went straight to bed... so here's hoping she sleeps in in the morning...
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