Rose came over today with her son, Jordon, he's a November 1 baby... They both seemed quite intrigued by the other, until they both decided that food was much more interesting than another baby...

Ok, so Blake apparently doesn't like sharing the limelight with another kid.... he'll grow out of it :) (I hope!)
Actually Blake had a bit of a "cranky before the sleep" - he slept for about 20mins before waking up wanting a feed.....
After they'd finished feeding, they both had a bit of a sleep.... and were put back down on the floor together.... (Less crying this time... actually.... NO crying this time)

Jordon - totally unmotivated by a flashing camera...
Leeanne and Caitie came over as well to visit for the morning (and more importantly - they brought Black Forest Cake for morning tea! ehehe).....
For those who aren't aware, I went to school with Rose and Leeanne (Rose I've known since Year 9 and Leeanne from Year 11).... It's good to have friends having babies that I've known for ages... one of the bonus' of being back in Gladstone I guess....

Each time we see Caitie I'm sure she's got new adult teeth.... and yet she still seems like the 2yr old who used to go and close herself in the computer room with Rob when they'd come to visit so that she could watch Simpsons with him....
Jade was so excited that Caitie was coming over - Caitie loves "My Little Pony" stuff too, so Jade had all of her ponies ready in her room as well as the pony playsets etc.... and then spent the morning running around going "is Caitie here yet????" - - - too cute!

Leeanne happily taking babysitting duties as soon as she arrived....

Little Jordon with his cute cute eyes....


Caitie and Jade playing Ponies.....
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