Well, it seems that it's all systems go for the shed...

the washing line was broken down last week - so you can see the pole sticking out - it'll be knocked over when the guy comes to level the block...

There's the top of the washing line... just waiting to be cut up into pieces...

And two truck loads of dirt......
Of course Jade wanted to play in the dirt as soon as we got home from school today... So we went upstairs to get her "dirt boots" and off she went.... a little unsure at first (she's a very careful kid - so she was being careful to not fall over.... at first)

As cute as the hair is down... it's highly impractical for a dirt climbing little girl.....

Check out the calf muscles!

On top of the dirt mound...

Cuddles for Daddy.... or should that be "from" Daddy :)

And Rob getting off the dirt.....
Plans have gone into council for the shed, so in about two weeks we'll have the all clear to start laying the slab... then there'll be more update photos... unless Pete comes back to level the block in the meantime... not sure what his workload is like at the moment... but - we're not in a rush - as long as it happens....
Once the shed is up - then we can get the rest of downstairs cleared out and finally get the underside of the house tiled... yay!!! I'm so over the orange floors down there! Poor Greg isn't going to enjoy that week as he will have to sleep up in the lounge at night because he wont be able to access his room at all.... or even the guest room....
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