Sunday morning, Superbikes Day.... the whole reason for being at the Island....
Unfortunately, paranoia for sunburn struck.... Blake copped a bit of sun at the Melbourne Zoo and he'd spent the entire day in the pram and with a hat on when he wasn't in the pram - so running around at the motorbikes wasn't going to be much easier to keep him shaded...
Jodie and I decided to take the kids to San Remo to watch the Pelican Feeding and then a trip to the Chocolate Factory to look at how chocolate is made - etc....

Molly and Jade waiting for the action to begin....

Here comes the fish-bits....
After the Pelican Feeding we went and had lunch and then took the kids to the park..... they loved every minute of it - to the point that it was hard to drag them away from there when it was time to leave.....

Blake spotted the Pigeon (that'd been waiting patiently for Blake to drop his chicken nugget)

"Come here little bird... I just want to play!"

Superman Slide Action....

Oooh - sitting up on a slide... what a novel concept!

I think the girls nearly wore these spinny things out.... (we don't have them up here - so it was all new to Jade)

Even Blake got on for a go... although it was slow turning - he was quite happy to stay there....
Rob phoned and said that he'd had enough of being at the track.... he'd copped sun both days and I think it was just getting a bit much for him.... he did enjoy what he did see there.... Next year we'll take both kids to the track and it'll be much better.. wont be as hard to convince blake to keep a hat on etc.....
Rob met us at the Chocolate factory (after we detached the girls from the spinny thingy)..

There were a whole stack of things made from chocolate - but if I put up pics of all of them all of my posts would be huge... (Plus I'm tired!)

The world's largest chocolate waterfall.....

Drawing with chocolate.....
The girls loved the chocolate factory tour.... Blake was asleep by the time we got into the first room.... poor little guy didn't get any routine sleeps while we were away... but he managed the trip really well on what sleep he did get....
Once we got home from the chocolate factory tour - we managed to get Blake to sleep in the cabin again.. Jade went off to play with Molly and we had some quiet time....
Rob took Jade to see the Penguins again... but this year I stayed back with Blake.... it gave me a chance to get most of the packing done so that we didn't have to run around like headless chooks in the morning...
Smack and I spent the entire evening chatting on the verandah - wrapped in doonas because it was so cold... but it was a great evening.. Rob and Jade (and Geoff and Molly) didn't get back from the Penguins til about 10:30pm or so... Jade was so tired - you could see it in her eyes - but when she came up on the verandah she said "I'm not tired, so I'm not going to bed" and then she lay down on my legs (that were being held up by another chair) - and started to doze.... but apparently it did take her a little while to calm down and actually go to sleep.....
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