Unfortunately, Rob wasn't able to make it to the Trial today... the local bike shop had an issue with their server - so Rob had to stay back and make sure they were right to trade tomorrow.... (the joys of clients who think you aren't entitled to some family time!)
Anyway, kids were loaded and we were off at 7am....

hanging out on the trailer... waiting for someone to start up a bike for them to get on.....

"Bike goes, here...... if I just sit around long enough - surely a bike will turn up and I can ride!!!"

Still waiting.....

"If I put my helmet on, you think they'll take the hint??"

They play so nicely now...... now that she doesn't think that he's trying to attack her... and now that she doesn't push him around too much... :)

The kids did get out on the bikes before the day started.... but it was just a quick ride... and then Dad, Frank and I rode together... (for the first couple of laps - then Frank went to ride with Alex)...
After we'd finished riding - we planned on putting the kids on the bikes and going for a ride... but they both wanted to ride with Grandpa..... so I was ditched.. and they both went at once.....
Dad then came back and Jade wanted to ride some sections with Grandpa... so Blake wasn't impressed about being kicked off the bike... he got over it.... Dad and Jade took off, next thing we know - one of the other riders came to say that Dad and Jade had come off in the creek.... he said they were both ok... so we just went back about our business...
Then we saw Dad and Jade come walking up the track... Jade didn't look happy... and when they got closer - we could see that she was drenched - from top to toe.... luckily I had a change of clothes for her...
She had two small cuts on the palm of her hand - she didn't want a normal bandaid for them - so she was happy to wait til we got home (80km drive away) to get some barbie bandaids... CLEARLY they were fatal wounds!
I ended up coming 3rd in C Grade..... so yay me!
When we left - Blake was asleep before we'd even got out the gates... Jade was asleep about 10mins later.... so it was a very quiet trip home....
When I got home both kids woke...but Blake was still very sleepy.. so I took him upstairs (Rob kept Jade downstairs) - I gave him a bottle and put him in the cot... but he didn't sleep.. he chatted in there for about an hour before Rob came and got him and took him back downstairs with Jade... in an attempt to let me get some much needed sleep....
But, it didn't happen.... had to get some tidying done - etc.....
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