Monday 15th March 2010 - Miss Emily's 2nd Birthday.... so, Sunday 14th March was her party at the Marina.....

The Birthday Girl...
The party had a butterfly theme, so all of the girls were given butterfly wings and a butterfly wand at the start of the day.....

Kids getting ready for pass the parcel

Alexis, Belinda and Mia

Alexis attempting to pass the parcel to Jade who couldn't work out whether she'd rather have the parcel or her Butterfly wand..... the wand nearly won!

OOooh.... a prize in the parcel.... now it's worth playing....

Poor Blake, you'll notice a mark on his nose.... he banged it firstly the night of Mom and Dad's 40th Anniversary BBQ... and then on Saturday (13th) he was on the front verandah and Jade had left the toybox open and Blake was investigating and the lid came down and banged him on the nose.... poor kid in the wars!!!

Time for a PiƱata (with a difference - you don't bash this one - you pull the strings - and one string makes the bag open - theoretically)

all the strings have now been pulled, and the bag is still intact

Rob assisted - and the bag sprung a leak....

Oooooh, Lollies!!!!!
(Jade went in and grabbed a few lollipops - and then didn't want to eat them! Typical Jade!)
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