This seems to have become our Monday thing again.... Park time... although when Bec and I used to catch up it was all about having a coffee and chatting... now with the three kids - there's little time for chatting.. it's all about making sure that Blake isn't putting everything into his mouth and that Emily is going to fall up or down something.... (although Blake's fast moving into that category as well!!!) - - - Jade's good though - she can entertain herself and is pretty much able to take care of herself at the park without any risk of damage....

Jade enjoyed this park - there were no big kids getting in the way - and she was technically the "big" kid....

Blake loved all of the Sand... unfortunately it made it a bit more challenging for me...

Miss Emily....
(Emily has managed to get 6 new teeth in two weeks.... so she's a bit happier now!)

The only complaint I have about this park was that there were a couple of mothers standing around smoking... so we copped all of that... at the Marina it's not usually an issue because there's such a good breeze there....
Might even get to catch up with Bec again tomorrow... Unfortunately Mom's got the Flu.... really severely... high temps - chest infection - etc etc... so she's been told to avoid contact with other people for 5-7 days.... so we'll see how we go... but I can't go to work because that's where Blake goes when I go to work...
But, for tomorrow, we may go and bug Bec at her place in the morning....
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