I've been very careful (apparently not careful enough) - to make sure that scissors are put away after I've finished using them... we were a bit concerned after Jade's first haircut in January that she'd try to do it herself....
I'm not exactly sure how this happened... or why she cut her hair.... but she did.... she cut halfway through a ponytail.... and of course - right at the front... so she's pretty much given herself a little fringe... but just on one side....

You'll have to enlarge this pic by clicking on it -b ut you can see where she cut the hair from....

These pics are taken in the mirror... so you can see the reflection side... and you can see her fringe... but I'm feeling a bit better - it doesn't look like it'll be too much of a problem.... don't want to have to start worrying about cutting a fringe into it...

Oh, and this is the "Mum! look how much I can pull my tummy in!!!!" pose....
I guess we'll find out in the morning how bad the "fringe" is going to be....
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