The next morning was much more pleasant... it hadn't been such a cold night... and I had an extra doona (courtesy of Mom) - and I also had tracky pants... (yay for trip to Maryborough)... and for having only had 4hrs sleep... I survived surprisingly well :)
Rob on the other hand......

Roasty Toasty and still extremely drunk Wobz!


everyone lined up with their bikes... there are two rows of bikes....

Daniel won the upper class comp... dropping only one point for the entire weekend.....

Frank came second - having only dropped 2 points... (well - they had 3 - but we looked back on the video - and the point they gave him for one section was incorrect.... but no matter... it's not a prize competition)

Rob did attempt to ride a bit of the day.... it didn't last long...


Smack and his family...

Mac fell off near the end of the day and managed to break both wrists.... (he's since had an op and had his one wrist pinned and plated.. the other is in a half-cast)

Blake and his activity table....

Little Connor Flynn... he won the junior event...

dirty grotty and shoeless.... that's how we make them in this family!

trying to sleep it off.....

and this is why I don't get drinking... why waste an entire day after the fact??? (Rob's said that he wont be drinking anymore)


Frank showing off....

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