Yesterday was Xander's 5th Birthday.. unfortunately I was really slack and didn't get any photos out at his "kid" party.... so there's no pic of his cake or anything... I'm really slack!!!
Unfortunately Jade wasn't 100% and was running a bit of a temp - so we ended up leaving a bit early... but I don't think the others were too far behind us... we got home and I dosed her up with Nurofen and she seemed to perk up a little.... so we decided to go ahead with the plans to go to Damian & Jaime's for dinner to celebrate the rest of his birthday.....

Happy Little Puggle....

This is Jessica... she's 6 and absolutely loved Blake... (well - all the kids did) - but Jessica played "babysitter" for a while at the start of the evening... (until a movie was put on - and then there were no kids around except for Blake)

The Birthday Boy....

Aunty Lyn and Jamie (Jamie is Jessica's little brother - and Aunty Lyn is their Godmother - she brought them up for the weekend.... at this point it was approaching the second night that the kids had been away from their parents and Jamie was a little homesick... mind you, once he decided that Blake was going to be his little brother and he was going to take him home - then he cheered up and spent the evening watching out for Blake)

Jaime.... at the end of a long day.... she must have been exhausted... (and yet doesn't look it... mind you - you wont see any pics of me - because I definitely DID look exhausted!!)

Gran, Mom & Uncle Barry (Dad had deserted everyone to go and talk to Evan)

Evan was hiding out in the Lounge... and when I turned up with the Camera decided he could hide behind sunnies....

Aunty Lyn and the kids playing some monkey tumbling game... hard to explain and I didn't get any good pics of it...

Still only two teeth!!!
We ended up leaving Jaime's place around 8pm.... Blake was asleep before we got out of their street - and Jade was asleep within 5mins of getting home... so I had my fingers crossed that the evening had ended well....
I had some work to do - so I was up doing that til 11pm - and then dragged myself to bed... I dozed off fairly quickly... and I was woken at 11:20 by a screaming Blake.. and I mean SCREAMING.... - I got him up - changed him and made him a bottle... I didn't manage to get him back to sleep until just after 1am... and then at 1:45 - Jade woke up.... crying and calling out for me....
I went in to see what the matter was - and she was steaming up the room.... temp of 39.8... so I brought her into bed with me... figuring she'd go back to sleep once he temp started to drop again - but no.... she didn't fall asleep until about 5:15am... and Blake woke at 5:30.... all in all - I'm really badly lacking on sleep.....
Jade's still got a temp today.... but it's not as bad....
Oh, and I should explain - Blake has a REALLY REALLY bad nappy rash at the moment... the only other time he's had this is just before he cut the first two teeth... so once he's dirtied a nappy it needs to come straight off (not that you'd leave them in it - but it means instead of waiting for tell-tale signs that it's dirty - I'm having to keep checking all the time - so that there's no chance anything is burning him.... also means that he's in disposables at the moment to try to minimise any irritation.....)
Anyway, I did try to sleep this afternoon once I put Blake down - but I'd been asleep about 15mins (well - I'd definitely dozed off - and Blake went down at 1:15 - and it was 1:30 when I woke) a loud crash came from the bathroom... I think a cat had been in there and knocked something... and of course... I can't get back to sleep.....
Here's hoping for a better night tonight!
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