Monday started out to be a not too bad day... the kids hadn't slept TOO badly.... the night before - I'd managed a few hours sleep....(I think... I'm losing track of days....)

Blake playing in the Baby Prison... or trampoline....
(can't wait til we get a bigger one....)
Mom and Dad headed over to put in the water tank... we need it to get it through council approval......

Meanwhile, upstairs, a not very well Jade was watching Barbie Thumbelina on DVD.... she'd been helping Mom and Dad downstairs - she wasn't TOO bad.. but she was still off....
Bath time on Monday was 4pm - Blake had had dinner at 3:30 instead of 4:30 - because he was so tired... he was in bed and asleep before 5pm rolled around..... I wasn't expecing Miracles with his sleeping... but I wasn't execting the worse either...
Around 10pm - I discovered the worst.... Blake woke up... upset.... which turned into screaming... he had a high temp... well he was 39.3 - which for him is really high as he's usually 35.5.....
I got puked on....and he was really really clingy... and his ear started ouzing again... all of this pointed towards a hospital visit.... I had to call Mom and Dad to come up so that one person could take me to the hospital with Blake and the other could stay at home incase Jade woke...
We saw the Nurses at the hospital - as well as a Dr.... Blake's ear infection had blown his ear drum again... the infection hadn't been fixed by the antibiotics they gave me... they were able to check the results of the swap from his first infection and found that the one bacteria wasn't able to be cured by Amoxillan... so they gave me the stuff for it... so hopefully in the next few days we'll see an improvement......
I still believe that the temp is from having caught the cold that Jade had.... but they didn't say anything more about it - and htey weren't worried about the fact that his one eye is bloodshot... so here's hoping everthing sorts itself out now that he's got the right medication...
Anyway, I got Blake back to sleep by just after 1am... so I managed to get another few hours sleep before i had to get up to get the kids ready to drop off so that I could get to work....
Always happens when Rob is away.... *sigh*
Anyway, I need sleep
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