So, we'd finished setting up for the party.... and had no idea when to expect Mom and Dad back... and of course, Dad doesn't have a mobile phone....
So I was having to phone mom to try to get an ETA without letting on....
Me - "Any caravans you like??"
Mom - "No, not really"
Me - "you didn't REALLY bother to check out a new pop-up caravan for Rob and I did you??"
Mom - "no, your father said that Rob wanted to look at new ones - but I assured him that you didn't want a new one"
Me - "yeah... so you're on your way home now??"
Mom - "yeah, just left rocky....."
Me - "ahh, all good... well Blake isn't 100% - so I'll call you later if I need you to get me to the hospital with him again"
Mom - "ok..."
That then gave us about an hour to make sure everything was ready.....

Walking in, Mom has now noticed everyone standing on the verandah....

and THIS is the moment when she realised that her brother was there!

Big cuddles for Uncle John...

Dad brought out his motorcyclist walking frame... Jade enjoyed climbing all over it!

It was then time for the big presentation.... Mom got her very own Trophy to add to the collection of trophies that everyone else in the family has got over the last 40yrs or so....
(Mom's only claim to fame was a Javelin Trophy from back in high school)

World's Best - Presented to - Patricia (Mugs) van Heerden - (nee Mapstone)
Daughter to George & Olive (14th August 1949)
Sister to John (14th August 1949)
Wife to Cedric (7th March 1970)
Daughter-in-Law to Vic & Maisie (7th March 1970)
Sister-in-Law (7th March 1970)
Mother to Frank (19th June 1975)
Mother to Tharyn (4th November 1977)
Mother-in-Law to Rob (26th March 2005)
Gran to Jade (1st October 2005)
Gran to Blake (3rd November 2008)
(there is room to add further shields down the track)

Greg managed to make it, unfortunately Meg was sick so she didn't come
(poor kid has Glandular Fever)

Uncle Barry

Tim and his Girlfriend
(ok, I feel really bad now - I can't remember what her name is - but she's really nice)

This is Blake's "har har - I'm still awake" face....

Jade went and served herself up some more salad.... and decided she needed utensils.... but she didn't grab a knife and fork like everyone else - she found some serving utensils....

and she was determined to use them!

Birthday Cake #2

The Birthday Girl

Jade helped blow out the candles....
Unfortunately, once we'd had cake - we had to get going.... Blake's ear was starting to play up again and we'd decided that given it was 9pm - we really should get him home and to bed... so we packed the kids into the car - headed home... and they both bathed when we got home... they'd had a really busy day - so they needed to have a nice relaxing bath..... they were both in bed and asleep by 9:30... which was great... they only slept til 6am though - so late nights don't help them to sleep in!