Monday, 31 August 2009

Another Tooth.... #5!!!!

Clever Blake.... another tooth!!!! looks like he's doing the same order Jade did... 2 on the bottom - 4 on the top... then the other two on the bottom.....

Discovered the tooth before bedtime last night - and then he slept the entire night and didn't get up til 5:20am.... and hoovered his breakfast (he hasn't eaten his breakfast for about 4 days now - so that was a nice change.... the fact that he puked up some of it at the end was a bit disappointing - but he's still happy!!)

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Blake update.....

As for Blake... as you're all probably aware - he hasn't been fantastic the last couple of months... one thing after the next - but the most uspetting of all of his problems is the ear infections... although after the last visit to the doctors she said that his ear wasn't infected... was just full of gunk - but not irritated or anything....

Anyway, we've had about a week without any dramas... we've been using the drops - and the world has been a happy place... that WAS until this morning... he's all leaky again...

He managed to have two huge sleeps during the day - so it was looking like he was at least feeling better.... he went to sleep at 6pm - on the dot... without making any real noise....

Unfortunately, that was all short lived when he was sick in his bed at about 8pm.... and as I got in there to pick him up - he went again... all over me... (yay!!!) So, I got him cleaned up - gave him another bottle and got him back to bed... and 9pm - he was up again.... didn't make him a bottle this time - just gave him cuddles until he started to doze again and put him back into bed...

So, fingers crossed he sleeps the rest of the night....


Oh, on a side note with Blake, he can now stand for 1-2 seconds before he decides to sit and then crawl away.... he's also started making "word-like" sounds... he's a little parrot at the moment... he repeats sounds that we're making.... and has managed to get "Hello", "There" (although - it's more like DARE) and "Ball" out.. we'll see how quickly he starts talking soon I guess.....

Shipment of US Lollies.....

I was all excited the other day when I finally found out what the red strap lollies are that they seem to eat in all the US shows.... I then found someone in Australia that sold them.. so of course I had to order them... curiosity and all that....

Pixie Sticks (although note the spelling - these may not be the real ones!), Red Vines & Candy Apple Taffy......

So, after getting the photos - I opened them and I had to try.... well.... not overly thrilled with US candy apparently... cause BLERK! Maybe we're really spoilt in Australia - or maybe these aren't the REAL items... I may have to ask Sarah and get her to confirm whether they are nice or not....

I gave Mom all of the PixY sticks and the candy apple taffy and put a handful of hte redvines into a bag so that she had food for their trip down to the Trials comp for the weekend.... and I've been picking at the Red Vines today - which I've decided is a BAD THING...

I don't particularly like them, and I'm only eating them because they're there... that isn't going to do wonders for my diet... so I'm going to give the rest of them to Frank.. I'm sure he'll eat them over time...


On another note, I started getting down into the gym again this last week.. and OMG my legs are KILLING me... I've discovered (through midnight leg cramps) - that there are quite a few different groups of muscles that I'd never previously discovered... or at least that haven't ever cramped up on me at night before!!!

Anyway, here's hoping that I can get back into things and start taking the diet a little more seriously.... I know that it all happens in waves... and I can accept that... but I'm kinda on a plateau at the moment and it's bugging me.... (doesn't help with all the birthdays at this time of year....Mmmmm Cake!)

Greg's New Ute.....

Not sure "new" is the right word.... But Greg bought himself a ute the other day... he paid cash - so he's happy with himself.... and his new girlfriend's father is going to help him get it all re-sprayed and done up ready to road worthy....

(might help if he got his butt into gear and got a license.. but maybe this is the motivation he needs!)

Apparently apart from some basic faults - ie. paintwork needs a re-work.... the rest of the car is pretty much ok.... I think he's happy with his Mags and the "reasonably" low profile - without being stupidly low profile - tyres.... (mind you, I know nothing about cars... bikes I can tell you - but not cars... so these may be stock standard with this car...)


It's not often that Blake gets to bath on his own... usually Jade is there to make sure he doesn't do anything wrong... like stand up.... but Wednesday night - Rob and Jade went to Bec & AJ's to fix a couple of computer dramas... so Blake got the entire bath to himself.... and he got to stand up in the bath... so he was extremely happy..... (plus he didn't have someone stealing his toys!)

Blake - 26th August 2009 (9months - 3 weeks - 2 days)

While Blake was busy bathing - I was watching him thinking how much like Jade he looks... sometimes... and only sometimes... so of course, that got me looking into photos of Jade at the same age.... the one below Jade is exactly a month older than Blake currently is.... (Oh, and something else I noticed was that at the exact same age - Jade's hair was already fairly curly... so there's hope still that Blake may have slightly straighter hair.. I guess more like Rob's was as a youngster (it's definitely starting to curl - but not severely) - verses my curls.... Jade definitely got mine....

Jade - 23rd August 2006 (10months - 3 weeks - 1 day)

Monday, 24 August 2009

Haircut by 3yr old....

I've been very careful (apparently not careful enough) - to make sure that scissors are put away after I've finished using them... we were a bit concerned after Jade's first haircut in January that she'd try to do it herself....

I'm not exactly sure how this happened... or why she cut her hair.... but she did.... she cut halfway through a ponytail.... and of course - right at the front... so she's pretty much given herself a little fringe... but just on one side....

You'll have to enlarge this pic by clicking on it -b ut you can see where she cut the hair from....

These pics are taken in the mirror... so you can see the reflection side... and you can see her fringe... but I'm feeling a bit better - it doesn't look like it'll be too much of a problem.... don't want to have to start worrying about cutting a fringe into it...

Oh, and this is the "Mum! look how much I can pull my tummy in!!!!" pose....

I guess we'll find out in the morning how bad the "fringe" is going to be....

Park with Bec & Emily......

This seems to have become our Monday thing again.... Park time... although when Bec and I used to catch up it was all about having a coffee and chatting... now with the three kids - there's little time for chatting.. it's all about making sure that Blake isn't putting everything into his mouth and that Emily is going to fall up or down something.... (although Blake's fast moving into that category as well!!!) - - - Jade's good though - she can entertain herself and is pretty much able to take care of herself at the park without any risk of damage....

Jade enjoyed this park - there were no big kids getting in the way - and she was technically the "big" kid....

Blake loved all of the Sand... unfortunately it made it a bit more challenging for me...

Miss Emily....
(Emily has managed to get 6 new teeth in two weeks.... so she's a bit happier now!)

The only complaint I have about this park was that there were a couple of mothers standing around smoking... so we copped all of that... at the Marina it's not usually an issue because there's such a good breeze there....

Might even get to catch up with Bec again tomorrow... Unfortunately Mom's got the Flu.... really severely... high temps - chest infection - etc etc... so she's been told to avoid contact with other people for 5-7 days.... so we'll see how we go... but I can't go to work because that's where Blake goes when I go to work...

But, for tomorrow, we may go and bug Bec at her place in the morning....

Friday night, Xander visits too...

Jaime & Damian had another Doctor visit in Rocky on Friday... so we picked up Xander from daycare too.... this is always good as it gives Jade and Blake someone new to hassle for the afternoon.... Xander is great with Blake... which makes Jade get more involved too... (although she's pretty good - when there's someone else paying her little brother attention - she doesn't forget that he's there and pays him attn too)...

I am quite proud of my efforts, remained sane with 3 kids running around the house - got them all bathed and even cooked dinner for everyone (ok - was only spag bog.... but hey, it was a meal - everyone was fed.... including Jaime & Damian when they arrived....)

tis a deep bath... can you tell??

Xander has now lost 3 teeth... and he's only just turned five... hehe - he'll be the only kid in his grade 2 class without the toothless grin!

ahhh - my little poser....

it's hard work getting a pic of all three at once....

It's all about standing up in the bath now.... which makes bathtimes that much more "interesting"

Had a shocking night with Blake on Friday night - he was up a few times..... as with Saturday night.... he had 2 x 30min power naps on Saturday... so I guess I knew that Sat night wasn't going to be fun... but I think his teeth are bugging him again as he settles right down when you put the sm33 on his gums....

Sunday we went to Olly's birthday party.... (Olly was Jade's first boyfriend at school.... his mother fell pregnant and (on Monday) - had a little boy "Jett" so Olly has moved to another daycare closer to where they live (I'm not sure if they moved or whether there just wasn't a vacancy at the other centre ))...

Anyway, was a great day... two of Jade's other friends from school were there.... she was the only girl that wasn't there as a sibling of a friend... We picked Blake up on the way home from the party and got him to sleep at home - once he finally gave up and went to sleep - Jade was still running around - so I told her she had to have quiet time in her bedroom - just play quietly with her toys... Blake woke half an hour later... so I figured I'd load them up and take Jade out on her bike (as we'd discussed with Grandpa) - and when we walked into Jade's room - she was asleep.... so that threw those plans out the window!

Rob finally made it home last night - after the kids were in bed... but it was a nice surprise for them this morning.....

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Another Tooth.... #4!!!!

Blake has FINALLY cut the first part of tooth #4... and so far - he's cutting in order!!

Here's hoping this one doesn't take too long to cut fully... he doesn't enjoy cutting teeth...

Monday, 17 August 2009

Park with AJ, Bec & Emily......

Yesterday afternoon we headed to the park with AJ, Bec & Emily.... the first two parks we went to were a little overrun with bigger kids - so we headed off to the duckpond park.... was only us there at the start which was good..... (then a couple of other families turned up - I bet they'd found the same thing!)

Blake loves the swing...

so casual... legs crossed...

Jade's a little more adventurous....

and doesn't sit still very long for a pic....

Blake then spent the rest of the afternoon up on the top of the play equipment with daddy...

Emily down the slide....

followed by AJ..... although both kids looked a bit confused at this....

Was a very long weekend... but a good one all the same!

Sunday, 16 August 2009

The day after.......

We were back at Mom and Dad's place this morning just after 7am.... we'd bought bacon and eggs to cook for Breakfast....

Jade found a make-up kit that she'd been given for Christmas.... so was busy plastering it everyone.... and Mom and I had the joy of having our finger nails... (and fingers) - painted with nail polish.....

Blake was a lot happier this morning....

Blake-Blake the flower-pot man.... :)

Jade had to give it a try too...

Then she realised she could hide in there!

The Surprise Party......

So, we'd finished setting up for the party.... and had no idea when to expect Mom and Dad back... and of course, Dad doesn't have a mobile phone....

So I was having to phone mom to try to get an ETA without letting on....

Me - "Any caravans you like??"
Mom - "No, not really"
Me - "you didn't REALLY bother to check out a new pop-up caravan for Rob and I did you??"
Mom - "no, your father said that Rob wanted to look at new ones - but I assured him that you didn't want a new one"
Me - "yeah... so you're on your way home now??"
Mom - "yeah, just left rocky....."
Me - "ahh, all good... well Blake isn't 100% - so I'll call you later if I need you to get me to the hospital with him again"
Mom - "ok..."

That then gave us about an hour to make sure everything was ready.....

Walking in, Mom has now noticed everyone standing on the verandah....

and THIS is the moment when she realised that her brother was there!

Big cuddles for Uncle John...

Dad brought out his motorcyclist walking frame... Jade enjoyed climbing all over it!

It was then time for the big presentation.... Mom got her very own Trophy to add to the collection of trophies that everyone else in the family has got over the last 40yrs or so....
(Mom's only claim to fame was a Javelin Trophy from back in high school)

World's Best - Presented to - Patricia (Mugs) van Heerden - (nee Mapstone)

Daughter to George & Olive (14th August 1949)
Sister to John (14th August 1949)
Wife to Cedric (7th March 1970)
Daughter-in-Law to Vic & Maisie (7th March 1970)
Sister-in-Law (7th March 1970)
Mother to Frank (19th June 1975)
Mother to Tharyn (4th November 1977)
Mother-in-Law to Rob (26th March 2005)
Gran to Jade (1st October 2005)
Gran to Blake (3rd November 2008)

(there is room to add further shields down the track)

Greg managed to make it, unfortunately Meg was sick so she didn't come
(poor kid has Glandular Fever)

Uncle Barry

Tim and his Girlfriend
(ok, I feel really bad now - I can't remember what her name is - but she's really nice)

This is Blake's "har har - I'm still awake" face....

Jade went and served herself up some more salad.... and decided she needed utensils.... but she didn't grab a knife and fork like everyone else - she found some serving utensils....

and she was determined to use them!

Birthday Cake #2

The Birthday Girl

Jade helped blow out the candles....

Unfortunately, once we'd had cake - we had to get going.... Blake's ear was starting to play up again and we'd decided that given it was 9pm - we really should get him home and to bed... so we packed the kids into the car - headed home... and they both bathed when we got home... they'd had a really busy day - so they needed to have a nice relaxing bath..... they were both in bed and asleep by 9:30... which was great... they only slept til 6am though - so late nights don't help them to sleep in!

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...