The brain is amazing... before kids - when you trip/fall you fall in a way to minimise damage to yourself.... once you've got kids - you stop caring about damaging your own body and just make sure the kids are safe... it's happened quite a few times in the past...
ie. earlier this year, I was walking up the stairs with Blake when I caught my foot on a step and fell - so the brain tells you to hold up the baby which meant that my knees took the brunt of the fall as well as my calves - I was bruised reasonably badly....
Today I was walking back to the car carrying Jade and I rolled my left ankle... so down I go... my right hand side did everything it could to keep Jade off the road.. my left side took the damage...

two gouges in my palm....

this is my knee - you can't really tell... I think it'll bruise up in a day or so.. but it never shows up - it hurts - believe me!!!

Elbow copped it too... my elbows always seem to cop it... motorcycle accidents and now this! :)

Unfortunately I wasn't 100% successful in protecting Jade... she got a bit of a scratch up the back... after about 5mins it had totally disappeared... she was upset when she hurt herself until she realised I was bleeding... she's the sweetest kid....
Yikes!! That looks painful!
I know what you mean about not protecting yourself. I fell down our inside stairs at the end of January while holding Josh. Somehow my foot lost traction and down I went. I managed to shift Josh to the side and into the wall so that he didn't get hurt, but I took the full force of my weight down on my tailbone. I still can't completely sit comfortably 4 months later.
yeah, I remember that... can't believe you've still got problems you poor thing...
Today my hand has tightened up - those cuts are right at the wrong spot!!!
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