Today we had Dylan's birthday to go to... after, of course, Jade went to Gymnastics.... even she wasn't going to let us forget that Saturday is Gymnastics day....
We got up and got Jade ready for Gymnastics and then Blake and I headed to Mom and Dad's place while Rob took Jade to Gymnastics... apparently as he'd taken her to school the day before - he had to take her to Gymnastics... I think he was a bit nervous at first - but they were both happy by the end of the class so all went well.....
Once they got to Mom and Dad's place we got Jade dressed for her party and headed off.... We haven't been to the Kubby House since Cardyn's birthday (Dylan's little brother) in October last year (just before we had Blake) - so it was good for Jade - she loves it there....

Blake fell asleep on the drive to the Kubby House - and managed to sleep for nearly an hour - so that was good...

Rob got stuck having to fix computer issues over the phone... and then got to spend the afternoon up in Rockhampton fixing the balance of the issues onsite...

Dylan jumped into the hole...

Everyone came to look at Dylan in the hole....

I think Jade is getting just a tad big for the cars....


down the slide....

Jade even managed to score a balloon...
(Dylan's entire Kindy class was there - so getting a balloon was a challenge)
And now for Jade brag time.... one of the ladies at the party today was commenting on how beautiful Jade was and was asking me about whether I'd ever considered putting Jade into modelling because she thinks she'd be a perfect candidate... I was so happy to have someone make those comments... but nah, not up for the whole modelling thing... it's just nice to have other people tell you how great your kids are.... they are both fantastic - but we're biased... (oh - and suffice to say that Blake is always getting comments on how gorgeous he is... he's such a happy little guy and smiles at everyone.... and I do mean everyone)
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