Yesterday Mom and Frank came over to help get some things done around the house... so the mission for the day was to get pictures hung up around the house....
These photos were all taken today - so they're not really in order of things being done....
Yesterday arvo Dad and Mom came back to the house so that Dad could look at the blinds that we'd bought up in Rocky probably a month or so ago... (it's been THAT busy here lately - this is the first chance we've had to get it done)....
So, yesterday we managed to get the pictures hung and get Jade's blind up.....

Jade's got the princess blind (of course!!)
(the picture to the right of the window is a cross stitch that my Aunty Marilyn did back in '98)

Dad doing the final check on Blake's Cars Blind....

Mom and Dad's wedding picture on the "family" wall... we're hoping to get other family photos up here... I've got plans in my head.. just haven't got it all sorted yet... we'll get there....

On this wall we have Jade's photos from 2006 (1yr photos) and her birth certificate
(once Blake turns 1 - we'll get his picture done like Jade's and put his birth certificate under it - next to it on this wall)

This is a cartoon picture that Rob had a guy in France do up of me on my Firestorm....

One of our wedding photos... this has replaced my graduation photos on this wall... so I've got to work out where they'll go now....

This wall will be changing... The baby pics are Rob and I (you'll have to click the pic to see a bigger version) and my favourite of our wedding pics....
This wall will eventually have Jade's 1yr photo, Blake's 1yr photo and then Prom photos of Mat and Greg (if I can get hold of Mat's one... I may end up getting a pic taken of Greg rather than having to wait til the end of next year for a prom photo)
And now for the other work that has been done.....
We've decided to shade cloth in the front verandah... it's not used enough as it is as I'm afraid of the kids climbing over the edge... So, we've decided that if we shade cloth it in, then it can become a toy area for Jade and Blake to play.. this way they can make a mess and we're not going to be tripping over it in the lounge... it'll just be somewhere else for them to go rather than having to play in their rooms.....
Mom and I went to Bunnings this morning and spent about an hour and a half trying to find all of the stuff that we needed, but we finally got it all and then headed home... we took all the timber cover strips off the roof of the vito and put them on the trestles and gave Rob, Jade and Greg paintbrushes and paint for them to paint these ready for tomorrow.....

Jade had a ball!!!
(and she loves her blue cordial.... yay cottees)
I'd put her into an old t-shirt and I was happy enough for that to be ruined - but I didn't imagine her painting her hat.... oh well... that's life.. she had a great afternoon.....

Greg's mate dropped by to say hi... and got roped into painting too!

Jade was eventually bored with painting and went to play on her dirt pile again....

Blake had Macaroni Cheese for the first time tonight... was leftover food that I just shoved in the blender and then added milk to as it was a bit cluggy without it... but he loved it!!!
(he even smooshed it all over his face - including up his nose! this kid has style!)
The plan for tomorrow is that Mom and Dad will be back over to help put the shade cloth up and then we'll hopefully be able to arrange chairs etc so that we can sit outside with the kids... the swing will remain out there also - but we may need to find a way to peg it up when it's not being used......
EcoFest is also on tomorrow - so we'll probably go check that out in the morning when Dad is off riding with Mac....
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