What a day Sunday was turning out to be.... Saturday night Rob spent a fair amount of time on the phone with a client who had a servo lose a few of their POS machines.... then when it was all fixed - they'd restored an old backup (or something like that) - basically they were in threat of losing a months worth of account sales (which in the fuel industry is UUUUBER big bucks....)
I had the kids up and ready to head off to Aunty Eileen's for breakfast - and Rob had to stay back at the hotel to try to fix the situation... then it all looked like it was going to take a lot longer than first expected to fix... so we were trying to work out how we'd get down to Brissy for the wedding and still manage to leave Rob a car so that he could head down once he'd fixed things... but luckily - he managed to fix it 10mins before we had to get going... so we headed back to the hotel - picked him up and headed off...
I was really proud of myself for remembering to get Rob to get our socks out of our bags so that we'd have socks to wear to the wedding....
We were only about 5mins out of Toowoomba before we got a call from Mom to advise that Frank had forgotten his shoes, Mom had forgotten her makeup... so then we were in a rush to try to find someone with feet size 9 (most common size - apparently in every family except for ours!)... For once I was happy that it wasn't me who'd forgotten stuff....
Anyway, we found a shopping centre that would be open near Ashleigh's house and headed for it.. when we got there - I had a feeling that i'd forgotten to pack Blake's pants... and I was right... they were back in the hotel room in Toowoomba... but I figured - they've got a Kmart in there - how hard can it be to get a pair of pants - I wasn't fussy - brown - blue or black - I was easy and would have accepted either of those colours.... turns out - Kmart have a crappy selection of boys clothing and pants... I managed to find a pair of beige pants with bears on them - they just had to do.... (wasn't overly happy -but what can you do???)
As soon as we got to Ash's house - Jade headed straight to the kids bedroom to play with each and every toy....

Christy got Blake again...

Ash and her lovely curlers...

Frank found some Bunny ears... not sure they're really "semi-formal"

All dressed up.....

How cute is this??? she loved her wedding outfit....

Blake all dressed up with Gran...
It was then time to head to the Wedding Chapel.... First person we noticed was Karla (and of course - baby Noah...)

Noah is 6 wks younger than Blake.... he's a big boy... but SO SO CUTE!!!

Xander & Jade

the Kidd Family...

Carl & Mel

Kev (Groom) & Craig (Best Man)

everyone's got a camera!

even the kids were taking photos with mobiles!

Khai & Craig

Neice & Nephew of Dani's

Aunty Rosemary (Groom's mother)

Kids watching the string ensemble..

The vows...

The kiss!

The Wobz...

Khai (little page boy)

After the signing of the formalities....


Noah & Karla again....

Molly... (Molly was a bit unwell... but she perked up as the day went on)

Rob & Blake

the van Heerden side of the church....
After the ceremony we headed back to Ashleigh's place to waste time until the reception that evening....

Ashleigh & Blake

Aunty Eileen, Blake & Ash

the boys just chillin'

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