We tried to get Blake in for his needles at the 6 month mark... but they'd had a problem with a fridge dying and then all of their supplies went bad so they had to get more in - and then there was a back log - yada yada.... so he's 3 weeks late... but that's ok...
Height - 68cm
Weight - 8.24kg (so he's put on 4.04kgs since birth... nearly doubled)
Head - 45cm
(Jade at 6 months was 9.4kgs and 72cm tall....)
So he's average for height and weight and got a big head... so no real change except that he's not as "chubby" as he was last time I guess with his height and weight last time being in the 75% (although - she said average and didn't give me the percentile figures... so I'm not 100% sure...) Oh, and because he's crawling already - he's considered "advanced".... all she wanted to know was that he'd push himself up if you put him on his tummy... which he's done for months now...

Trying to stay standing for the photo.... I didn't have to readjust him though - he stood himself back up... (mind you, he does have his bum on the cushy part of the seat - so he's not totally standing their on his own - but you can't expect THAT much at 6 months! - - well - nearly 7months...)

so serious.....
Anyway, with finally reaching 8kgs - Blake can now travel facing forwards!!! yay!!! This has made Jade's month as she can now have her seat back in the middle of the car - which helps with counting utes when travelling with Daddy.....

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