After Jade got up from her sleep she wanted to get dressed straight into her riding gear so that she could ride her motorbike when we got back to Mom and Dad's place... unfortunately the idea of riding her bike was short lived..... I think this is another activity that may have to go on hold til she's a little older....

Happily Walked up to the bike....

Happily got on the bike and rode a little..... then got off.....
Then Uncle David came outside to try to convince Jade....

It was looking good..... and then she got on and off again.... oh well....

Aunty Rosemary and Blake...
And if Jade wasn't going to ride the Oset... Uncle Frank would......

Xander managed to get onto the bike and ride it without any dramas what so ever....
Uncle Frank showing how it's done.....
Xander getting Jade's helmet on...
Xander's first attempt...
Xander's first fall....
Final lap....
I think Xander would happily ride Jade's bike all of the time if he were allowed... maybe if he rides more it'll inspire Jade to ride... who knows... Anyway, no major stress.. she's only 3...
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