After the bike riding was over, we had a bbq dinner (rissoles and sausages - because it was *supposed* to be a lunch today on Gran's real birthday - but Uncle David and Aunty Rosemary were flying back today at 11am - not Monday like Dad thought.... )
Anyway, dinner went down really well... and then it was time for GG's birthday presents..... Xander and Jade helped out by bringing the presents through...

Xander helped GG unwrap the first present....

Jade gave GG the second present and read the card with her....

then, Jade and Xander helped GG open the second present...

Jade was keen to see what was in the present, even though she'd been present when I wrapped it!

GG and her Black Forrest Cake - made by Jaime (of course!)

Jade and Xander helped GG blow out the candles....
(aren't kids great??? take all the fun away from the adults having the birthdays!)


Everyone gathered....

Uncle David

Aunty Rosemary playing with the beads with Jade and Xander
(and yes, she wanted a string to put the beads onto as well)

FOO Woz 'Ere!
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