Yes, I know most people know them as "Jolly Jumper" because that's the BigW branded one, we borrowed one of them from a friend when we had Jade and weren't impressed with the fact that you had to use these shoe lace type things to tie her into it. It made for a very time consuming insertion and removal of child... and once they've had enough - they want to be out of it without seconds.....
I do believe, however, that the current Jolly Jumpers are now more like the Jumping Joey that we ended up buying for Jade... This jumper has made it's way around Gladstone... at least 3 other people have used it between Jade and Blake - always good to share stuff around....
Anyway, Blake took straight away to the Jumper... he was most impressed with the fact that he was standing and clearly didn't have a problem keeping his head steady... so he was a happy boy... it still doesn't last forever... and after about half an hour he'd had enough... I think his little legs were a little tired.....

He quickly worked out how to turn himself around while I was walking from the kitchen to the lounge and dining.. he was watching me and turning as he needed to change views....

The good thing about cloth nappies is that they offer extra padding :)

My Happy Little Guy :)

Take 1 of Videoing Blake in the Jumper...
(keep in mind - at this point he'd been in there nearly 30mins... it was soon after videoing that I took him out)
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